User:Hannahcatesilver/Chinese ideals of female beauty



Female Chinese beauty standards have become a well-known feature of Chinese culture. A 2018 survey conducted by the Great British Academy of Aesthetic Medicine concluded that Chinese beauty culture prioritizes an oval face shape, pointed, narrow chin, plump lips, well defined Cupid bows, and obtuse jaw angle. [1] The importance of feminine beauty in China has been deeply ingrained into the culture: historically, a woman's livelihood was often determined by her ability to find an eligible husband, a feat aided by fitting into the cultural ideals of beauty.[2] Chinese women tend to utilize plastic surgery to enhance their ethnic features, and mirror some physical traits associated with western beauty. Values of dark, thick, and shiny hair allude to proper hygiene rituals and overall health and wellness.[3] Similarly, pale, ivory skin, and a slim body figure have historical implications as being a physical representation of wealth and affluence. Though not as much an indicator of wealth, these values transcribed to both modern day Chinese and Western culture and continue to represent ideal beauty. A relatively new ideal ingrained into Chinese culture consists of the notion of having a double eyelid, a common feature of Western women. The term double eyelid refers to the prominent crease found on some people's eyelid and contradicts the more ethnic mono eyelid feature common to Chinese women. This look can be achieved temporarily by using specific cosmetic products such as tape or glue. A permanent option is to undergo a procedure titled blepharoplasty, which utilizes cosmetic surgery to reshape the eyelid.[4]



The emphasis that both Taoist and Confucian notions of female beauty place on the relationship between inner and outer beauty has influenced the creation of the Chinese female beauty ideal. To further see the history of this culture, as well as how these ideals came into place see Chinese Culture. Outer beauty was thought to represent virtuousness, talent, and other positive characteristics.

In Taoist thought, women with masculine voices make poor sexual partners, because this trait suggests an excess of ch'i that inhibits the attainment of sexual harmony. In her article "Female Bodily Aesthetics, Politics, and Feminine Ideals of Beauty," Eva Kit Wah Man articulates how Confucianism and Taoism played essential roles in the creation of Chinese beauty ideals: "In the Chinese tradition, as in other cultures, both the external sexual and inner moral dimensions determine the beauty of a woman…The notion of female beauty comes from both (Taoism and Confucianism)." "Femininity" does not refer to an aspect of a dichotomy between mind and body, as there is no such dichotomy in Chinese philosophy. Women in China also expands on these ideals, delving into the impact women have in Chinese society. Thus, historically, the religious influences on Chinese beauty ideals closely tied outer beauty to inner beauty. Historically, Tang Dynast preferred an oval face, willow leaf eyebrows, long thin eyes, small lips, and a slim, fragile-looking body.[5]

Modern Chinese society is highly influenced by Western capitalist and Marxist thoughts. The Chinese would not describe themselves as a completely Capitalist country, nor a purely Marxist country. They fundamentally ignore this type of question about the essence of its political position, and develop their economy, politics, culture and feminism in their own way. They call themselves a socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics. The rise of Chinese feminist development is highly influenced by the claims of the "new " China (since the early 19th century) and its government that it would save the Chinese woman from the "old society" and set women's minds free (Chun, 2008). An article published in the widely circulated journal Dushu uses an earlier nativist satire to argue that women themselves voluntarily desired the beauty of small feet (footbinding) into the first decades of the twentieth century, despite the elite, male-dominated discourse of liberation and equality that assailed the practice. The reason behind that, is because "但在缠足成为普通 女性生活方式的那段漫长的历史时期‚恰恰缠足才 被认为是女孩子最天然的身体行为‚缠足就如同吃 饭穿衣一样平常‚缠足亦是女性寻求身体美的一种 方式". Translate in English will be:

"While foot-binding was normal to the female lifestyle in history, foot-binding was considered as females' most natural physical behaviour, Foot-binding was as normal as eating a meal and wearing cloth; Foot-binding was a way of female pursuit for their ideal of body beauty."

It will take time for people to realize Foot-binding was a harmful action since it was common sense.

Double eyelid


Double eyelids are unconditionally considered beautiful in East Asian society. The double eyelid is a crease in the small flap of skin that covers the eye. It has been estimated that 40-60% of East Asians lack this upper eyelid crease, giving them a monolid appearance. However, this is not ideal when it comes to Chinese beauty.

Blepharoplasty before and after

A study looked at which type of eyelid was considered most attractive on Chinese women. Edited photographs of young Chinese women's eyes were presented to the test participants. It found that there was significant preference for the double eyelid while the single eyelid was considered to be the least attractive. Because of this, many Chinese women go through a surgery that creates a fold in the upper eyelid giving them the double eyelid. This procedure, called blepharoplasty, typically costs around $3,000. During this 30 minute surgery, doctors cut, fold, and stitch the upper eyelids, creating a small crease above the eyelids. This operation makes the eye appear larger and more round, giving the woman a more desirable look.

Skin and Body


Skin Tone


Skin tone is one aspect of Chinese beauty that is in contrast with the Western beauty ideal, as fair skin is favoured over more tanned skin. This beauty ideal of fair skin dates back as early as the Han Dynasty which controlled China from 206 B.C. – 220 A.D, before western colonization and influences [6]. During this time a woman's skin tone was known to indicate social class. Many women of the lower class worked outside in the fields, exposing them to more sun, and ultimately making their skin darker. On the other hand, the light skin had become a representation of social prestige and the lack of physical labor, which lead to some women swallowing powdered pearls as an effort to lighten their skin.[6] Due to this perception, there are a lot of pressures on women in China to stay indoors and not venture outside to work or play sports such as basketball and soccer.

Due to this obsession of obtaining fair-skin the Asia-Pacific region has become the world's largest market for skin-whitening products. These products include various creams and pills which claim to reduce a pigment called melanin in the skin. skin lightness also impacts a woman's marital prospect, job prospect, social status, and earning potential. [6] Products such as these advertise fairer-skin as "beautiful" and superior to darker skin. The downside to this is not only that it makes women of darker complexion feel inferior, but that these skin whitening products can come with many risky side effects. The active ingredient in many of these products is mercury which has been known to cause serious psychiatric, neurological, and kidney problems.



Despite popular belief, there is little evidence of Chinese people idealizing a plump body for considerable periods of time. In the Ch'un Ch'ia period (722-481 B.C.), Emperor Chu desired a slim waist; women in his harem often starved themselves to death in order to capture his attention.[7] Historic trends of women developing anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder, to fit trends of beauty represents systemic psychology still influencing today's culture surrounding body image. Chinese figures such as Empress Fei-yen were renown for their small waists and continued to be glorified to this day. Alternatively, Empress Kuei-fei is known for having a heavier figure and being ridiculed by other harems. Similar to the aforementioned feet binding, waist binding was common practice during. Men were attracted to women who swayed when they walked due to improper hip growth.[8]

Chinese people have long considered the ideal woman's body to be relatively tall, slim, and curvaceous.[9] Fascination towards height has continued to increase as evidenced by Chinese beauty pageant winners, but this could correlate more to global pageant standards rather than cultural ideals.[10] Values of fragility in Chinese culture have proven to be relatively prevalent and stable.




  1. ^ Samizadeh, Souphiyeh; Wu, Woffles (2018-07-09). "Ideals of Facial Beauty Amongst the Chinese Population: Results from a Large National Survey". Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 42 (6): 1540–1550. doi:10.1007/s00266-018-1188-9. ISSN 0364-216X.
  2. ^ "<italic>The Life of Moses Coit Tyler</italic>. By <sc>Howard Mumford Jones</sc>. Based upon an Unpublished Dissertation from Original Sources by <sc>Thomas Edgar Casady</sc>. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 1933. Pp. xi, 354. $2.50.)". The American Historical Review. 1934. doi:10.1086/ahr/40.1.152. ISSN 1937-5239.
  3. ^ Godley, Michael R. "The end of the queue: hair as symbol in Chinese history". East Asian History (8): 53–72. doi:10.3316/ielapa.961009528.
  4. ^ Rohrich, Rod J.; Coberly, Dana M.; Fagien, Steven; Stuzin, James M. (2004). "Current Concepts in Aesthetic Upper Blepharoplasty:". Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 113 (3): 32e–42e. doi:10.1097/01.PRS.0000105684.06281.32. ISSN 0032-1052.
  5. ^ "(PDF) Future Faces: Vogue China and Curating Chinese Beauty". ResearchGate. Retrieved 2022-04-10.
  6. ^ a b c Zhao, Xin; Belk, Russell W. (2008). "Politicizing Consumer Culture: Advertising's Appropriation of Political Ideology in China's Social Transition". Journal of Consumer Research. 35 (2): 231–244. doi:10.1086/588747. ISSN 0093-5301.
  7. ^ Katzman, Melanie A.; Lee, Sing (1997). <385::aid-eat3>;2-i "Beyond body image: The integration of feminist and transcultural theories in the understanding of self starvation". International Journal of Eating Disorders. 22 (4): 385–394. doi:10.1002/(sici)1098-108x(199712)22:4<385::aid-eat3>;2-i. ISSN 0276-3478.
  8. ^ "Dorothy Ko. <italic>Teachers of the Inner Chambers: Women and Culture in Seventeenth-Century China</italic>. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1994. Pp. ix, 395. Cloth $45.00, paper $16.95". The American Historical Review. 1996. doi:10.1086/ahr/101.3.892-a. ISSN 1937-5239.
  9. ^ "(PDF) Cultural Expectations of Thinness in Chinese Women". ResearchGate. doi:10.1080/106402601753454903.
  10. ^ Chang, K. S. F.; Lee, Marjorie M. C.; Low, W. D.; Kvan, E. (1963). "Height and weight of Southern Chinese children". American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 21 (4): 497–509. doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330210407. ISSN 0002-9483.