== Headline text == Heather Nordstrom, (HanGirlHero)- Was born June 25th, 1997. She started on Youtube when she was 10 years old. Now, She is 12 years old. She works on making very fnny videos. She is a comedian. She is currently filming in The Tina Show, which will be published June 12th, 2009. Although, The Tina Videos were supposed to be published in April, but a slight change came up. Currently, she has done over 130 videos. She hopes to get over 1,000,000 videos. The Tina Videos will be 100 videos long. Heather Has mentioned that in a email message to everyone that signed up at her website. If you would like to check out her website, please visit at www.hangirlhero.webs.com it is everything you need to know about the upcoming Movie, The Tina Show. Her first video will be like this, Tina: Pilot. So, look for anything just like that. But, when it says Good Tina, those are just slideshows on the upcoming series. Also, there is going to be promos before The Tina Show comes out. There will be clips from the movie. Like two seconds of it.