
Atlanta Masjid of Al-Islam was found in 1958 found by Elijah Muhammad , who was a leader for the Nation of Islam movement. The property was originally located on Bankhead Highway but was fought over for awhile after the passing of Elijah Muhammad. In 1974, it was decided to have the masjid moved to Fayetville Road where it was rebuilt in an old shopping center in 1990.



The Masjid consists mostly of African American people, many of whom converted from Christianity. There a few, but not many Arabs of Muslim decent that attend the mosque. Women make about one-third of the people who come during the Juma’ah prayer, which is a day when Muslims come together for Friday prayer.



Masjid of Al-Islam is surrounded by stores and restaurants. The mosque is green and white, surrounded by towers. There's a playing area, bookstore, informational desk, etc. in the masjid. The restroom for the females is labeled "sister" and the men's bathroom is labeled "brothers." There are wudu areas in the bathroom, for where everyone can cleanse themselves for prayer. There is also an area where shoes are placed before getting in the prayer area. Everyone must face Mecca when praying .The men are in the front, while the female are in the back. There is no barrier between the men and women, like many mosques have but there is plenty of space between them.