my nickname is HANABAM. I'm from afghanistan. I born in iran, lived in iran, and i touched my country just one week in entire life. I born in iran, lived in iran, some times fought for iran, but ...

in iran people are different. they just think about themselves, work for themselves, and breath just for themselves. if you are rich they protect you, it does't matter who are you, where are you from, just be rich, and you are every thing you want.

i lived in iran, i breathed this air, but ...

they think just in themselves. if you are poor you are on your own. you just have allah. ofcours he is everything but when nobody do not like, they need them but they do not need you, you want their helps but they do not see you, like you are not alive.

i gone to school in iran, most of my friends was iranians but ...

i touched my country just one week in entire life. one week against two hundred and eight weeks. i do not think that it be fair. i still live in iran gone school (primary, highschool, and now in university) and i still have not respect as a human. just an afghani. but i am hazare(h) and i am not afghan. it is worse than be in discrimination .

‏‏‏‏Aryana (Arya) = Great Khorasan = Afghanistan (talk) HANABAMh

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