I am a linguist of Northwestern São Paulo, Brazil. I'm trying to make a new lexical form for an Artificial Language Assistant. In fact, using this language will be through a book I'm writing. Here are the Latin alphabet, the letters and phonemes and their names in that language, Dorfan Glossa. Parenthetically, unique phonemes. Then the sound of phonemes and letters.

a- ag;-> idem b- bj;-> bi c- soth;-> søt d- dal;-> daɫ dz- dzal-> e- et;-> idem f- fug;-> fug g- gam;-> idem (gh)- ghak;-> hak j- jok-> iøk (jj)- jjang;-> ʝang k- ku;-> kw l- ltam; wtam m- mior;-> mioɹ n- nog;-> nøg o- otte; ose ø- oz;-> øʃ p- pu;-> idem (pp)- ppaz;-> raʃ r- rau;->ɾaw t- tuk(or θuk);(tt): θøg w- wrko; y- ykz;-> ykʃ z- zor-> ʃøɹ

Here is a list of primitive deities of a people called Dorfanka, and according to his belief, first created the gande explosion that gave birth to the world. Are dualistic and antagonistic forces: Kat, which is good, light, humility, virility; drsk, who represents evil, darkness, arrogance, femininity. In his final fight, Kat released its most powerful skill against drsk, and this hitting back, a magnetic field created by uniting the two forces, destroying their universe and giving rise to a new universe.

Here also divulge my blog about this story, and part of the lexicon of the language Dorfan.

There is dorfan the name of the saga: T dzabo KURL drsk ta jjuk Kat And here representing the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet, an acronym in English): ʃ ʒʔbw kwɻw dʔɹsk θa ʎjɐk kat

Glossa in Dorfan, is the plural of Glozi word. Glozaratan is the fusion of glozar (something that the word) and atan (organization). Soon Glozaratan = sentence. Glozaruman mean vocabulary, and glozaarto, grammar. Here are two words in Dorfan in IPA and exact meaning in vernacular language.

Dorvo: doɻbo -> Create

Dorfan glossa: døɻbɑŋ gloss - creating words

Glozi: gloʃi -> Word

ystorjja: istøɾʎia -> story (fictional story)

Paze: paʃ -> Protection

Path: pat -> Shield (Father)

Moze: møʃ -> Home

Moth: møt -> Cosy (Mother)