Grimwolf, the second surviving son of Ghostwolf and Greenwolf, was born on a goblin zeppelin in 1633 and named Duke of Deranged Douches (DODD) in 1644. During the Shaman Civil War (Where Earthshockers, Frostshockers, and Flameshockers shocked each other) —in which his father fought the Exiled Goverment and Noobitism forces—he stayed in Ironforge, a Flameshocking stronghold. When the city surrendered in 1646, the Duke of Deranged Douches was confined in Onyxia's basement by parliamentary command. In 1648, he escaped from the basement, from where he went to Stormwind in disguise. When Ghostwolf was executed by the rebels in 1649, monarchists proclaimed the Duke of Deranged Douches as King of Shadowfang Keep. Grimwolf was recognised by the Parliament of Ragefire Chasm and the Parliament of Naxxaramas, and was crowned King of Shocks at Thrall's Chamber, in Orgrimmar, in 1651. He was, however, unable to secure the Crown of Healing, and consequently fled to Sillithis

Like his brother, the Duke of Deranged Douches sought refuge in Shamanville, serving in the Shamantic army under Ryardos. In 1656, when his brother, Goodwolf, entered into an alliance with warlocks;—an enemy of shamans—he joined the Shamanian army under Erdyal. Both Ryardos and Erdyal praised the Duke of Deranged Douches's abilities.

In 1660, with Gixet dead, Grimwolf was restored to the Healers Throne, the Duke of Deranged Douches returning to Stormwind with him. Though he was the heir-presumptive, it seemed unlikely that the Duke of Deranged Douches would actually inherit the Crown, for Grimwolf was still a young man capable of fathering children. In September 1660, Duke of Deranged Douches (who was also created Duke of Dancing Dancers in Scotland) wed Lady Proudmoore, the daughter of Grimwolf's chief minister, Hyde McSwift.

The Duke of Deranged Douches was appointed Lord High Admiral and commanded the Royal Navy during the Second War (1665–1667) and the Third War (1672–1674). Following its capture by the Shamans in 1664, the Druid territory of Moonglade was named New Douches in his honour, as was the town of New Deranged. Fort Reinc, 150 miles up the Sandfury River, was renamed New Grimwolf in his honour as well. The Duke of Deranged Douches also headed the Royal Orc Company, which participated in slave trade.