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Double-angle formulas provide a way to express a trigonometric function with a double frequency, such as , in terms of functions with a frequency of one, such as .

Double-angle formula

This text is copied directly from List of trigonometric identities, and all of it will go to the section "Double-angle formulas for the trigonometric functions."

These can be shown by substituting x = y in the addition theorems, and using the Pythagorean formula. Or use de Moivre's formula with n = 2.



The double-angle formula can also be used to find Pythagorean triples. If (a, b, c) are the lengths of the sides of a right triangle, then (a2 − b2, 2ab, c2) also form a right triangle, where angle B is the angle being doubled. If a2 − b2 is negative, take its opposite and use the supplement of 2B in place of 2B.

Properties of double-angle trigonometric formulas


Note: use point P and a diagram. Create diagram.

The sine function can be defined by the point rotating in a circular pattern.

If   is a trigonometric function, then   is the double angle function. Suppose there is a point   on the unit circle: that is,   is consistently one unit away from the origin. The sine function,  , can be defined as the   coordinate in   as the point traces the unit circle starting counterclockwise from  ; the tracing is completed at   radians, or  . When the function is not   but  , the circumnavigation of the unit circle occurs twice as quickly.

Procedure for finding double-angle formulas


Diagram to be added, as well as text delineating process.

Suggested content: angle addition, trig relations to each other, and de Moivre formula.

Double-angle formulas for the trigonometric functions



Sine function


Cosine function


Tangent function


Secant function


Cosecant function


Cotangent function






In kinematics, a branch of classical mechanics, it is possible to calculate how far an object such as a ball will travel if launched at an angle at a certain velocity. The horizontal distance that it travels is called range.

Given uniform gravity and no wind or drag, an object launched at angle of elevation   with initial speed   with the acceleration of gravity g will have a range (denoted  ) of


The standard derivation of the range formula always leads to the equation above. However, because


The range equation can be simplified to become


The maximum of both equations occurs at   or   radians; however, this is more evident in the second version of the equation, since there is only one occurence of theta.



There is no way to take the indefinite integral


using integration by substitution (u-substitution), integration by parts, or other common integration methods. However,


Evaluated, the latter integral is


And so using double-angle formulas, an otherwise complicated indefinite integral becomes easier to evaluate.