User:Gracchus resurgit/Leges Semproniae

The Leges Semproniae are the laws proposed by the brothers Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus and Gaius Sempronius Gracchus during the years [[1]] BC and [[2]] BC their respective terms as tribunes of the plebs - which became known as the period of the Gracchian reforms.

Law proposed by Tiberius Gracchus in [[3]] BC:

  • Lex agraria ("agrarian law"): Law concerning the redistribution of ager publicus (public land), as well as other issues of property,

Laws proposed by Gaius Gracchus in [[4]] and [[5]] BC:

  • Lex agraria ("agrarian law"): Re-proposition of the agrarian law of [[6]] BC, which had been revoked temporarily.
  • Lex frumentaria ("grain law"): Introduced distribution of subsidised grain to the plebs urbana (urban common people)
  • Lex iudicaria ("judicial law"): Dimished the influence of Senators at the courts in favor of Equestrians.
  • Lex militaris ("military law"): Forbid the drafting of adolescents below the age of 17 for the military. The state also had to pay for the equipment of recruits.
  • Lex de provocatione ("appeal law"): Solidified the right to appeal (ius provocandi) for plebejans to the popular assembly (provocatio ad populum) if they saw their life threatened by a Magistrate.
  • Lex de provincia Asia ("law of the province of Asia"):  Law introducing system of taxation to the new province of Asia
  • Lex de provinciis consularibus ("law of consular provinces"): The election of consuls should only take place after the decision on which province they would govern after their term in office.
  • Lex de viis muniendis ("law on the expansion of roads"): Funding of public Cite error: The opening <ref> tag is malformed or has a bad name (see the help page).road Expansion.


  • T. Robert S. Broughton: The Magistrates of the Roman Republic. Vol. 1: 509 B.C.–100 B.C. (= Philological Monographs, Nr. XV,1). American Philological Association, New York 1951, ISBN 978-0891307068, S. 493 f., S. 513 f., S. 517 f.
  • Pierre Grimal (Hrsg.): Der Aufbau des römischen Reiches. Die Mittelmeerwelt im Altertum III (= Fischer Weltgeschichte. Band 7). Fischer Taschenbuch, Frankfurt am Main 1966.
  • Ingemar König: Der römische Staat. Ein Handbuch. Philipp Reclam jun., Stuttgart 2009, ISBN 978-3-15-018668-8, S. 128 f.
  • Egon Weiß: Leges Semproniae.(in German) In: Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE). Vol. XII,2, Stuttgart 1925, col. 2414.

[[Category:123 BC]] [[Category:133 BC]] [[Category:Roman Republic]]