Reza Shafa’i, alias Gil Avaei, writer, poet, human rights activist, member of the Iranian Writer’s Association in Exile and Iranian PEN Exile, was born in April 1956 near to the city Lahijan in North Iran. His literary debut was in 1979: With the Siahkal movement he commenced his offensive political activism and after the revolution of 1979 he strengthened his political and literary engagement in cultural and political communities and unions. Getting under pressure and terror of the government, Gil Avaei, was forced to leave Iran in 1991, living since then in exile in the Netherlands, where he continued his literary work creating an oeuvre of over 27 books of poetry and stories in the languages Farsi and Gileki, accompanied by a vast number of political, social, and literary essays. [1]

The most published works of GilAvaei’s are as follows:

In Persian language:

1- Asheghaneha, poetry 2- Havaye yar, “ 3- Nazaneh, “ 4- Aftabkhiz “ 5- Biganeh ashenaii chon man short stories 6- Bargrizan Roman 7- MiNaz short storied 8- Shakhakhaye hessi Story 9- Hamahangiye nahamgun political articles 10- Yadman memorial poetry in occasion of mass murders of 1987- Iran 11- Che soale sakhti Poems 12- Toosh Tash Atash “ 13- Gapi ba ham “ 14- Kereshme “ 15- Hasht fasl “ 16- Ba nasim “ 17- Naz afshan “ 18- Goftam amma four versified poems 19- NaAreh plays for Theatre 20- Tasianeha poems 21- HamheHich Roman

In Gilaki language ( Persian folks literature )

1- Shooram, sheh, shavaleh, shon, four versified poems 2- Irane sabze negin versified sotries 3- Ti vassi classical poetry- Ghazal 4- Taske dil “ 5- Hafta bijar poems 6- Talar short stories

  • All translations, critics and interviews are not included.

The following is from Iranian open publishing group:

„irâne sàbze negin“ (the green jewel of Iran) presents a unique colour from the bright rainbow of the literature of our country, Iran: this is literature about sorrow, pain and happiness of the people of my country, here in the gestalt of gileki* poetry. Back in the history, there have been already a couple of poets, dedicated to this mode of poetry, the most prominent among them, reflecting the moments of every life of the people of Gilan in their poetry, were Mohamad Bazghal’e’i (Afrashte) and Mohamad Fàkhrinejad (Shivàn Fumàni). But „irâne sàbze negin“ is, as far as I remember, the longest lyrical content of its genre in gileki, dedicated to tell us in a profound discourse of the many lives of ‘the forgottens’ of our society: to reflect, remind and call their life into our consciousness. Beyond the many genuine elements of life and culture of these people, „irâne sàbze negin“ is a linguistic mirror of gileki words, terms, and proverbs, a language heritage which is partly forgotten and in danger of loss. Although reading gileki poems appears to be difficult and cumbersom to many, the reason is not found in the language itself, rather in the immature experience of readers, who, as a consequence of the repression of indigenous languages in Iran, may have not had the opportunity to read and explore gileki in written. Far from chauvinism or any separatistic ideas, my poetry is dedicated to this one, in its own cluster unique, colour within our broad national spectrum of language and literature in Iran. I wish that readers will respect and understand this my point of view, when reading „irâne sàbze negin“.

  • The internet encyclopedia Wikipedia cites “Gileki, the language of the people of Gilan (the South region to the Caspian Sea), is a mix of the continuation of the archaic Iranian languages of Indogerman roots with the indigenous languages of the inhabitants of this region before the migration of Arians to North Iran. Many elements of this language is similar to the archaic Iranian languages, for instance the conjugation of verbs and also the indicative seem to be similar to the Pahlevi and Parti languages.”

pages 96, 6.14" x 9.21", perfect binding, white interior paper (55# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (90# weight), full-color exterior ink

„tàlâr“ presents a unique collection of short stories in from the caleidoscope of indigenous Iranian literature: this is literature about sorrow, pain and happiness of the people of my country, here in the gestalt of gileki* story. „tàlâr“ is the most excpetional of its genre in gileki: to reflect, remind and call their life into our consciousness. Beyond the many genuine elements of life and culture of these people, „tàlâr“ is also a unique linguistic richness of gileki words, terms, and proverbs, a language heritage which is partly forgotten and in danger of loss. Although reading gileki appears to be difficult and cumbersom to many, the reason is not found in the language itself, rather in the immature experience of readers, who, as a consequence of the repression of indigenous languages in Iran, may have not had the opportunity to read and explore gileki in written. Far from chauvinism or any separatistic ideas, my poetry is dedicated to this one, in its own cluster unique, colour within our broad national spectrum of language and literature in Iran. I wish that readers will respect and understand this my point of view, when reading „tàlâr“.

  • The internet encyclopedia Wikipedia cites “Gileki, the language of the people of Gilan (the South region to the Caspian Sea), is a mix of the continuation of the archaic Iranian languages of Indogerman roots with the indigenous languages of the inhabitants of this region before the migration of Arians to North Iran. Many elements of this language is similar to the archaic Iranian languages, for instance the conjugation of verbs and also the indicative seem to be similar to the Pahlevi and Parti languages.”

pages 96, 6.14" x 9.21", perfect binding, white interior paper (55# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (90# weight), full-color exterior ink

Some of GilAvaei's works which are published online in PDF mainly for the readers inside Iran

1- Hafta bijar .........Gilaki four verses poems

2- Tasianehaye Gilavaei (miss you)....poems

3- BaziyeEshgh(Love games).............short stories

4- Parchin.......................................short stories

5- Tush,Tash,Atash..........................Poems

6- Aftabneshin.................................Poems

7- Hasht Fasl...................................Poems

8- ArehNa........................................Plays


Attention: all rights are reserved for the writer and any re-publication by any mean of publication is subject to direct written permission of GilAvaei

فشرده ای از زندگینامه و آثار گیل آوایی

رضا شفاعی ( گیل آوایی ) نویسنده، شاعر و تلاشگر حقوق بشر، فرودین 1335 در یکی از حومه های لاهیجان متولد شده است . گیل آوایی در سال 1370 پس از رهیدن از سرکوبها، به کوچ اجباری و ناخواسته تن داد و به هلند رفت. او ضمن تلاشهای فرهنگی و سیاسی خود به نوشتن و سرودن ادامه داده که مجموعه هایی از شعر و داستان به زبانهای گیلکی و فارسی و مقالات و نقدهای سیاسی و اجتماعی و ادبی از دست آوردهای تا کنون اوست .

فهرست عمده آثار گیل آوایی به شرح زیر است :

فارسی :

1- عاشقانه، مجموعه شعر 2- هوای یار، " " 3- نازانه، " " 4- آفتابخیز، " " 5- بیگانه آشنایی چون من، داستان 6- برگ ریزان، رمان 7- می ناز، مجموعه داستان 8- شاخکهای حسی، داستان 9- هماهنگی ناهمگون، بیش از صدمقاله و تحلیل سیاسی که همه آن در سامانه های انترنتی منتشر شده اند 10- یادمان (مجموعه شعر و داستان،یادمان کشتارزندانیان سیاسی ویژه نامه توسط سامانه های انترنتی منتشر شده است 11- تاسیانه های گیل آوایی ، بیش از سیصد قطعه عاشقانه 12- آفتاب نشین، مجموعه شعر 13- چه سوال سختی، " 14- توش تش آتش " 15- گپی با هم " 16- کرشمه " 17- پرچین، مجموعه داستان 18- بازی عشق، " " 19- هشت فصل، مجموعه شعر 20- با نسیم، " " 21- ناز افشان، " " 22- پُرآواز، " رباعیات 23- نه آره، طرحهایی برای نمایش 24- همه هیچ ، رمان - آماده انتشار

گیلکی :

1- شورم شه شواله شون، مجموعه رباعیات گیلکی، 2- ایران سبزه نیگین، منظومه های گیلکی -3 تی واسی، مجموعه غزلهای گیلکی 4- تسکه دیل، مجموعه غزلهای گیلکی 5- تلار، مجموعه داستانهای گیلکی 6- هفتا بیجار ، رباعیات گیلکی

در این فهرست ترجمه ها، نقدها و مصاحبه ها منظور نگردیده است .

مجموعه های زیر بصورت پی دی اف در دسترس همگان می باشد. هرگونه چاپ یا باز انتشار آن مشروط به کسب اجازه کتبی از نویسنده است:

- تاسیانه های گیل آوایی: مجموعه عاشقانه ها

- مجموعه شعر:بانسیم

- چهاردانه های گیلکی: هفتا بیجار

- مجموعه داستان : بازی عشق

- مجموعه داستان : پرچین

- مجموعه سروده ها: توش تش آتش

- مجموعه سروده ها: آفتاب نشین

- مجموعه سروده ها: هشت فصل

- طرحهایی برای نمایش : نه آره

-همه هیچ:رمان

توجه: هرگونه بازانتشار مجموعه ها مشروط به ذکر منبع و کسب اجازه قبلی از نویسنده است.

به منظور  بازشناساندن  زبان و ادبیات گیلکی، ویدئوکلیپهایی بر روی غزلها و چهاردانه ی ها گیلکی و نیز برخی سروده های فارسی ساخته و در سامانه یو تیوب منتشر شده است. مجموعه این ویدئو کلیپها در صفحه ی ویژه گیل آوایی در یوتیوب گرد آمده است. با کلیک کردن بر روی همین متن می توانید به آن صفحه در یوتیوب مراجعه نمایید. 

نشانی برای تماس با گیل آوایی: