Get rid of my account. I am unable to upload any proofs, or documentations, and this site is to complicated to work on.Gibberishflyboy (talk) 04:21, 8 September 2010 (UTC)

I'm still here?! Lt. Col. Orskauov would love to know how the admin here abuses their power. DELETE MY ACCOUNT! Gibberishflyboy (talk) 14:24, 8 September 2010 (UTC)

Bulgarian Federational Army


Recipient of; Belegraphor's Cross 1st class, Belegraphor's Cross 2nd class, Unity of the Bulgarian People Silver with decorated ribbon, Orthadox-Victor's Banner, Bad Orb 1978.

My Attitude


I think the abuse of power to degrade or downfall another is apalling. If you are going to go at another negetivly for your own personal gain, you should at least have proper reason. Or you should simply leave the person alone, some sleeping dogs were meant to stay lying. If you attack me out of the blue with wild accusations, or hatred; I will not, repeat; WILL NOT, respond to your idiocies. Contrary to popluar media, Bulgrain DI's do not yell and swear at the recruits, they are very calm and to the point. That is where we learn our self control.