Hello Im Gerdel

I Live In Surrey, BC Near Newton Town Centre

I Used To Lived In The Philippines Until April 17 2007

Map accompanying the novel Mundus Alter et Idem
Mundus Alter et Idem (Another World and Yet the Same) is a satirical dystopian novel written by the English writer and bishop Joseph Hall around 1605. In the novel, the narrator takes a voyage in the ship Fantasia through the southern seas, visiting the lands of Crapulia, Viraginia, Moronia, and Lavernia (populated by gluttons, nags, fools, and thieves, respectively). These locations feature on this map, which accompanies the novel.Map credit: Joseph Hall

About Me


Places I Visited (1 Month -)


Tokyo (1 Day-)

Places I Live


Surrey ,BC (April 17, 2007 10:00 AM -Present)

Pulilan, Bulacan,PH(-April 17, 2007 02:00 AM)

