George Thorne

George T, born in 1991, Limrik, Ireland. George Thorne is very rich through his own very clever business ideas, however George has taken part in not only legal but also illegal activities. George Thorne is currently training for the 2010 Mr Class 1.

George Thorne has been called and known as being very arrogant and anoying through his own personal approach to life, However he is said to know how arrogant he is, and he also says that arrogance is the key to iving life to the max and making to most of it. As he says, "I don't care who i anoy, and nor should you, We only get this one life as far as we know, so lets make the most of it. And don't live with regrets, just live with always thinking your right".

Everybody is entitled to George Thornes opinion.