Me George, son of Edappilly Mathew, born on July 22, 1949 in an agricultural family of Thrissur District of Keralam, India. Successfully completed Masters in Mathematics during 1969-71 and a Certificate course on Home Based Health Care during 2017.

Worked in the capacity of Software Scientist in the Department of Space from 1972 to 1999 developing, testing & using packages to test and evaluate control and guidance systems used in Satellite Launch Vehicles.

According to American Patent Authority the GEM TECHNOLOGY FOR MOSQUITO CONTROL is an invention.

I cured my Diabetes (T2DM) by Long Wheat Mash Diet Regimen LWMDR during 2006-09. Ever since I am on usual normal diet.

I have one main page on mosquito control and another one on my different experience of cureing my Diabetes at in addition to Blogs etc.