User:Gdaymate011/Evaluate an Article

Which article are you evaluating?


Stock market prediction

Why you have chosen this article to evaluate?


I am personally interested in the stock and cryptocurrency markets, as well as putting a small amount of investment there. The pandemic outbreak has caused stock market bubbles and cryptocurrency volatility, The Federal Reserve is printing money everyday and money is flooding into the stock market. which has been directly causing the greatest inflation since 2008. The future direction of the stock market affects everyone's life. that is reason I chose this article to evaluate.

Evaluate the article


For the article I chose, there are some issues of the content are lack of evidence and support, the stock analysis method is currently missing, such as the current ratio, Return on Equity, etc. None of these important methods for stock market analysis are listed; moreover, these content will be added on in order to become a reliable source in the economic field.