
Born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, raised in the Bahamas and educated in the United States, Greg Constantakis has first hand experience with the versatile natural beauty of the world. An explorer at heart, Constantakis possesses an ever-expanding passion for Mother Nature that began at a very early age. As a little boy, Greg poured over the National Geographic magazines that came to his house. The photos seemed to not only bring the world to his living room, they were a constant reminder of the natural beauty that can be found anywhere on the globe. Greg wanted to capture these visions for himself; from this fascination, a photographer was born. Self-taught with no formal training, Greg has developed a unique, personal style infused with Bahamian creativity, distinctive viewpoints and diverse cultural experiences that results in rich, full work. Approaching his subjects with reverent awe, Greg strives to represent the natural world with vibrant, provocative photography. He’s been known to spend a month on location just waiting for the optimal natural light conditions for his subject. His work is currently available to private collectors.