Name: Gavin
Age: 20
Location: Seattle
Favorite Anime Movies: X, Twilight of the Dark Master, Akira, Vampire Hunter D
Favorite Anime Series: FLCL, Outlaw Star, Blue Seed, Oh My Goddess!, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop
Favorite Manga Comics: Mars, Love Hina, Marmalade Boy
Favorite Novel Series: Sleeping Beauty Trilogy
Favorite Author: Anne Rice, Dara Joy, Stephen King
Favorite color: Black/Dark Green
Favorite Musical Artists: ICP, Twiztid, ABK, Blaze, KMK
Favorite Actors: Anthony Hopkins, Bruce Willis, Matthew Lillard, Nicholas Cage
Favorite Quote: "And we shall live happily ever after," I said through my kisses, "as the fairy tales say." "Yes, happily ever after," she answered, "and a good deal happier, I think, than anyone else could ever guess.'