
Disclaimer, this is not a recruitment ad and in no way means to promote the BORK clan. It only means to preserve the history


The Bork Clan was started by woof_woofx2 a PSN user living in Knoxville Tennessee. Once the clan was created XxIndigoChildxX and ghostplattoon789 joined in. While the original intent was for Black Ops 3 Ghostplattoon789 put into the Battlefield Series. Since then Bork has expanded slowly and only has 6 members to date.


Call Of Duty

  • Black Ops 3
  • Modern Warfare Remastered
  • Infinite Warfare


  • Battlefield 4
  • Battlefield 1


  • Overwatch
  • Uncharted 4
  • The Division
  • Rainbow Six Seige
  • Destiny
  • Battlefront