Movies review Charlie Chaplin in “MODERN TIMES” Movie “MODERN TIMES” is written, directed and produced by Charlie Chaplin and music is also composed by Charlie Chaplin. In which Charlie Chaplin (hero) is an assembly line factory worker and Paulette Goddard (heroine) is an Ellen Peterson “The Gamin”. This movie is released on February 5, 1936. The scene of movie is voiceless, written slides and full of voice so it adds the more feature to this movies. “Modern times” is a comedy film in which every scene is a critique of modernization and industrialization. Since the movie was made during the great depression and world economy depression when unemployment was increasing by day and night because machinery has replaced the people and employee were treated as machinery. Movie starts with the assembly factory works where after doing works with machinery Charlie Chaplin losses his nervous system but after getting cure from the hospital, by mistakes he is caught by the police men as communist leader but after helping the police men in catching the jail breakers. He is release from the jail with job guaranty letter provided by jailer. He met with Ellen in order to helping her after stealing a loaf of bread but he could not help her that time and police caught her but he ate food in the hotel without paying money so that he caught by police but in the ways of going to jail Chaplin and Ellen escape from police and sit beside a road and to see a family they began to dream with small house with full of facilities where all needs are available at the door of the house. To get a house he decided to work and got a work as a night guard in multi store where after robbing he is caught once more by police. Again he is released from jail and Ellen takes him in a small wooden house but after reading the news that factory is reopened he ran to get work to say that now I will get a real house for you but due to strike he could not do so. The café owner selected Ellen as café dancer to saw her dancing. She also request the café owner to give job for Chaplin in hotel so Café owner gives him a job of waiter but he could not manage with “in” and “out” and failed to do but as a singer he could manage but in the café due to previous doings Ellen is caught by police but Chaplin run away with Ellen from police and at last Ellen says that there is no use of tying but Chaplin says that we will do, Don’t lose your heart walking along with road to find their hopeful future. In the very first scene of the movie struck me and reminds me a Hindi proverbs “Bhediyan Dhasan” (compare factory workers with ship). Means to say that in this industrialized world people have no choice to select their work. One worker just follows other workers like ship always follow others and this is relevant to today’s world. When Chaplin by mistake caught by the police is also shown in such a ways that no one can blame to police that police has done mistake so every scene of the movie is looking very realistic. The father of Ellen who is an unemployed lost his life in search of job like the people in this industrialized and modern world daily wasting their life. So Ellen began to steal things as people began to do because there is no other option to live in this world. This movie is also showing the love of hero towards the Gamin because he helps her a lot and began to live future life with her. “Modern Times” is critique of modern and industrialized world where skilled based job is not available like after quitted from jail he began to work with port where he has no any idea that how to find a log and also at the ends where people have no choice of work on skill based then people began to work in hotel as waiter and singer because there is need of waiter and singer in the hostel to serve the elite people. in the movie Chaplin is shown to return jail again and again it also shows that the life in jail is better than the life in outside of jail because there is no need of searching food and work in jail just eat and sleep and so he was very happy in jail and sad during releasing from jail and in the jail rich people came to meet you like minister came to meet prisoner but outside no one will ask you that “who are you?”. The scene of small house which is found by the Ellen shows that how people manage to build a small house with bearing all difficulties of demolishing again and again and began to see big dreams. So every scene of movie is full of prediction in funny manners. When Chaplin sings in café manage to sings in very funny manners and people enjoyed. But the ending scene when both Chaplin and Ellen escape from police men, began to talk about their future where Chaplin says that we can do better in spites telling Ellen that there is no profit of struggling. I like every scene of this movie because every scene is very much relevant to the today world of mine in spite of movie is of mid 1930s. Act of hero is full of comedy with lots of messages for the modern and industrialized world. Sound of movie is also very realistic with how the people have become fast like machines. GANAURI VISHWAKARMA is on march 6, 2016.

Movie review SADGATI Movie “Sadgati” is directed by Satyajit Ray which dialogues are written by Amrit Rai and Satyajit Ray but story is taken from Munshi Premchand writings on caste system in India “Sadgati”. Music for the movie is also directed by Satyajit Ray. This movie is released in 1981 in which as Chamar (shoemaker) Dukhiya (hero-Ompuri) and as Jhuria (heroin-Smita Patil) wife of Chamar Dukhiya. Dhaniya (Richa Mishra) as Dukhiya’s daughter while Mohan Agashe as the Brahmin and Gita Siddharth as the wife of the Brahmin. I think that these actors are unique for this film as they have played role in it. Film starts with the close up scene of old Indian village and scenes are very really representing the heart of village where Cattles are walking and birds’ chirping as background sound. Dukhiya is cutting grass as offering for Pandey Ji and he said to manage all things at home because he is going to bring the Pandey Ji. As Pandey Ji will came and take auspicious day for Dhaniya’s marriage. But when he reached to the Pandey’s house. Pandey began to make work from him in spite of asking food and water and Dukhiya keeps on doing because at the ends he thinks Pandey will go to his house and fixed an auspicious day for marriage of his daughter but due working one work after another without having a food he leaves this world. Bearing whole life bad Indian caste system and untouchability in his life and after death his body is thrown with animal’s dead body and bones. This movie is really a unique movie which each and every scene is telling the whole brutal Indian caste system story. I liked the very opining discussion with Dukhiya and Jhuria where they explain that how the purity by Brahmins maintain by eating on the leaf in house of the lower caste and when Dukhiya said to Jhuria that bring all the offering for Pandit Ji and arrange on leaf and don’t touch it which really tells the story of untouchability. Child marriage is one of the very bad system in India which is also shown in the film and bad effects of child marriage when Pandit delivers the speech to the widower child in his house and polygamy and bearing child is our dharma quoting from Gita (Hindu religious book) and he also explains before that widower child that you must marry again to say that, see me, “I have married three times”. In India village mostly women are very much concern about the health of the husband which is very well shown by the director when Jhuria says that “Don’t go today, you just cured from fever, Go tomorrow” but despite of dissuading by Jhuria, Dukhiya went to Pandit’s house and lots his life. I really like the ways in which director has shown the village dalit woman where she could not manage with weight (ek paw, ser bhar and aadha ser etc.) of flour and rice etc. and she laughs on herself after telling wrongly to the shopkeeper. The statue of God (demons type) which is shown followed by Pandit opening scene during worship and background sound of the bell is continue, is also showing that how all bad practices are going on in the society in front of God. When cameraman takes first scene of statue by kiraan shot (taking video from height) where Dukhiya is shown very little compare to statue is also one of the unique scene in this movie. Dukhiya after getting order from Pandit began to work one work after another and during cutting the heavy log he says that “how will I cut this log? I am just a grass cutter.” I like this because it shows that distribution of work in Indian caste system by the caste of people. The scene when Dukhiya ask for fire for burning his Bidi (a type of smoking thing) the wife of Pandit explains and reacts that how lower caste people are not allowed to enter into the upper caste and Dukhiya after that accept that to say that “If I would not be fool, why I bearded these pains.” Which explain that how much caste system is accepted by the lower caste people in India. As expressing above scene from movie “Sadgati” I want to say that every moment of movie can explain the whole barbarous effects of Caste system India. Showing the scene of Dukhiya and return scene to his house where Jhuria and Dhaniya are waiting in the hope of that Dukhiya will come with Pandit Ji is unique ways of conveying the wholly message of the movie. When Dukhiya died and Pandit informs her wife she says that “She died of cutting log, other people don’t died, go and tell to Chamar people that they will bring the dead body”. This shows that Pandit and Pandit’s wife have not done any mistake but after coming to inform Chamar, Pandit began to fear because there was a unity in the Chamar to say that this is the case of police. When wife of Pandit says that now police will come but Pandit says now it is raining how police will come. This shows that in rural India there was no justice. In ending scene of movie where the dead body of Dukhiya is treated as animal’s dead body and thrown with the animal’s bones. I like ending scene because it predicts something like there is no ending of caste system and untouchable in India.