Hello! I am a new Wikipedia creator.
I might be working on an article for the changed game :3 :3 >-< >~< >3<
The pages that I have made are:
- Elliott Island, Maryland
- Rachgoun Island
- Nosy Mamoko
- Île de Diakal
- Ngor (island)
- Mont Azore
- Alcorine Cay
- Angel Cays
- Base Line Cay
- Ben Cay
- Big Cave Cay
- Big Cross Cay
- Big Darby Island
- Batin Island
- Barren Island (Nova Scotia)
- Lanmaoa borealis
- Eversmannia botschantzevii
- Eversmannia sarytavica
- Eversmannia sogdiana
- Eversmannia subspinosa
- Crenella adamsiana
- Crenella arenaria
- Lyun (Armenian letter)
- Hi (Armenian letter)
- Xylotina
- Ephelis (fungus)