User:GAiNusa/GAiN Draft Page

Global Aid Network (GAiN)
TypeEvangelical Humanitarian Aid
  • Dallas, TX
Area served
41 Countries
WebsiteGlobal Aid Network site

Global Aid Network (GAiN) was the name first used to describe the humanitarian arm of Campus Crusade for Christ, Canada in 1998, GAiN as it exist today is an amalgamation of several relief and development agencies worldwide, now operating as the official compassionate ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, International.

History of GAiN

do we have a pic to put here? August 17, 1895

Global Aid Network officially began in the early 1990s when GAiN Germany, then called "Action Hungry Winter" and GAiN USA, then known as "Operation Carelift", began delivering humanitarian aid into Russia. Over the course of the following decade, these two agencies would align themselves with the work of Campus Crusade for Christ in their respective countries, while continuing their humanitarian work in Russian.
Each agency continued separately in their relief work until a chance meeting between the directors of "Action Hungry Winter" and a new relief and development division of Campus Crusade for Christ, Canada, called GAiN, planted the seeds of a global network that would leverage the strengths and global positioning of its member to greater effect and the mutual benefit of all Awareness of Operation Carelift's work out of the U.S. led to similar conversations between these three agencies together and early in the year 2002, an agreement was reached that would unite GAiN Germany (Action Hungry Winger), GAiN USA (Operation Carelift), and GaiN Australia and would follow suit in 2003.



Four Main Initiatives


Food: Through a partnership with like-minded ministry, Global Aid Network provides highly nutritious food to starving people for ten cents a meal.
Water: Global Aid Network is involved in numerous clean water initiatives around the world including installingwater filters, drilling water wells, and providing water in disaster situations.
Critical Care: Global Aid Network mobilizes resources when a disaster occurs and ensures that those affected continue to receive aid long after the crisis is over.
Community Care: GAiN provides long-term strategies to developing countries with the goal of transforming individual lives and entire communities.

Mission Trips


Since 1991 more than 12,000 people have traveled with Global Aid Network on short-term mission trips that typically last from ten days to two weeks in length. The teams work with local partners to give humanitarian aid while telling the beneficiaries about Jesus Christ.
Global Aid Network offers mission trips in the following countries:

Pennsylvania Distribution Center


Global Aid Network has a permanent distribution center for receiving, processing, packing, andshipping humanitarian aid. From there, they send materials to locations where mission trips are being held as well as provide emergency relief around the globe in response to disasters and help to address poverty in developing countries by providing aid year-round. During the fiscal year, more than 6,200 volunteers helped process aid during two designating packing projects in October 2007 and June 2008 as well as year-round.

See also



  • Global Aid Network