Fxsjy is Junyi Sun's nike name.

He is a PhD candidate in Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

He likes developing some open source softwares in his spare time.

For example, TreapDB and SmallSeg.

Stable release
1.1 / December 3, 2010
Operating systemCross-platform
Typekey-value store
LicenseApache License 2.0

TreapDB is a kind of NoSQL data store, and it is based on Treap data structure. Treap is a randomized balanced search tree, which has O(log(n)) complexity to insert or find a key. TreapDB supports many operations besides "get" and "set". For example, "prefix foo" fetch all the pairs whose key startswith "foo". TreapDB can be used in two ways: embedded library or standalone server. [1].



  1. ^ "TreapDB official home page".