John Sutherland (1962 - present) is an organic chemist at (..from main page)

Sutherland graduated from Lincoln College in Oxford in 1984 and obtained his Ph.D from Balliol College at the University of Oxford.

In 2009, Sutherland, along with Matthew Powner and Beatrice Gerland, detailed the first plausible prebiotic synthesis of activated pyrimidine nucleotides, which had previously been a significant problem for the RNA World hypothesis for early life emergence. The main product of the aminooxazole reaction, a 2'-3' cyclic phosphate attached to a ribocytidine

In 2011, Sutherland and his colleague Matthew Powner proposed Traditional prebiotic schemes for the RNA World have made use of syntheses where the components of RNA molecules are assembled in independent reactions, and their products subsequently added to each other in a sequential fashion.

This approach has subsequently been used