Query edit

use enwiki_p;
	CONCAT('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/',p.page_title) PAGE
    ,el.el_to LINK
	(select el_to bl from externallinks where el_from = 63182091) gl
    inner join externallinks el on el.el_index_60 >= binary gl.bl AND el.el_index_60 < binary CONCAT(gl.bl,'~')
    inner join page p on p.page_id = el.el_from
	p.page_namespace = 0
    and p.page_title not in (select pl_title FROM pagelinks where pl_from = 63182091)

RESULTS ('Submit Query') to refresh

add links in the form [http://org.ihr. http//ihr.org] reversed domain name ending with '.' any link text

wikilink to acceptable pages

Greylist edit