Firdous Umari


Mr. Firdous umari is a well known research scholar of Arabic language and literature pursuing Ph.D. in Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, U.P., India. He has done his M.A degree with 1st position (GOLD MEDALIST) in Arabic subject from Department of Arabic language and literature Kashmir university J&K in the year 2012, more over he has done B.Ed from the same University in 2013. He has qualified JRF (Juniou Research Fellowship), UGC-NET Five times, in addition to qualifying JKSLET.


Firdous Umari has also completed Two years Islamic Duae Course and Two years Aalimiyat course from MUSLIM STUDENTS BOARD J&K as he has completed three years Arabic language course from there .


He has written a book for teaching of Arabic Language namely "Arabic for Beginners" and he has presented a number of research papers in seminars in different states across the country India. Many of his papers have been published in different journals of the country. he has also participated in many Workshops and conferences.


Firdous Umari is also known for his valuable contribution in the field of translation. He has translated book of Mohammad bin Saleh Al Uthaimain a well know Arab Scholar entittled ( Makaarimi Akhlaq ) and another book namely Tahiyat ul Masjid During Friday cermony into Urdu Language. He has also translated important Article of Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al Mushaiqeh ( Prof of jamia Qaseem ) entittled ( Namaaazi Eid K Ahkaam ). in addition to this he has translated a number of articles written of Abdullah bin Maaz in Mausooa Al Aadab il Al islamia which were published on the website of MUSLIM STUDENTS BOARD J&K a well known Islamic institution of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language in valley Kashmir.


for more information you may see the Resume




•        Pursuing Ph.D. from AMU Aligarh D.O. Registration 28/02/2014

•       B.Ed. from Kashmir University in 2013

•       Certificate course in Computers from Kashmir University in 2013

• Qualified JRF in Dec 2015

•       NET from UGC in June 2013, June 2014,Dec. 2014 and June 2015, Dec 2015

•       SLET J&K in September 2013

•       M.A. in Arabic from Kashmir University in 2012 with 1st position among 85 students

•       B.A. from Kashmir University in 2010

•       12th Class from JKBOSE in 2007

•       10th Class from JKBOSE in 2005

Non Academics :

•        Aalimiyat in Islamic Studies (4 years) from Muslim Students Board  J&k

•        Arabic Language Course (3 years) from Muslim Students Board J&k

•        Participation in Interfaith Workshop organized by S.O.AMU on 8th and 9th of feb 2015 under the supervision of Manager research foundation Dr. shoub syed.

•        Participation in 5 days course from 29/07 to 02/08/2015 for Islamic Ulamas, khutabas and Oraters under the supervision of    جمعية إحياء التراث الإسلامي لجنة القارة الهندية

the convener was أ.د خالد بن علي المشسقح

Research Experience:

Ø  Papers Published (in Arabic) :

  • Women : before after Islam  ( المرأة : قبل الإسلام و بعده ) Published from Islamic Studies Dept. of  A.M.U. Aligarh ISBN No. 978-93-84354-28-2
  • Travel Literature In Arabic Language    ( أدب الرحلات في اللغة العربية )in العدد الأول) دراسات وبحوث  النهضة) : published from Arabic dept. A.M.U. Aligarh ISBN No. 976-93-83558-69-8
  • Mohammed Al-Hasani : His Life and Contribution in Arabic Language (الأستاذ محمد الحسني حياته و خدماته في اللغة العربية) in مجلة اللغة  online journal  volume -1 issue-4 ISSN: 2394-4862 
  • الخلق الحسن جوهرالإسلام  Theology department of A.M.U. Aligarh ISBN No: 978-93-84354-52-7 in 2015
  • Travel Literature In ÷Islam    ( أالرحلة في الإسلام )in العدد الثاني) دراسات وبحوث  النهضة) : published from Arabic dept. A.M.U. Aligarh
  • دعوة الإسلام إلى الأمن والسلام in special issue of Iqra foundation Aligarh U.P.

Ø  Papers Presented in Seminars (in Arabic language):

  • Mohammed Al-Hasani : His Life and Contribution in Arabic Language                      الأستاذ محمد الحسني حياته و خدماته في اللغة العربية    { Two days National Seminar For Young Research Scholars organized In JNU}
  • “Education For Women : Islamic and Western perspective”  {AMU Aligarh}
  • “ Islam the religion of Ethics” In theology Dept. A.M.U. Aligarh
  • “Ibn jubair al-andlosi and his travels” (ابن جبير الأندلسي ورحلاته)  in Islamic university of science and technology J&K.

Ø  Workshops:

20 days’ Interaction Program  under supervision of UGC Academic College

2 days’ National Workshop on Research Methodology in Sanskrit Department A.M.U.

2 days’ workshop on Soft Skills in Cultural Educational Center A.M.U.

Ø  Books (Not published yet) :

·        Al- Arbia Lil Mudtadi eana ( العربية للمبتد ئين )

·        Al-Qawa’id Al-Asaasiya Lil Logatil Arabia( القواعد الأساسية للغة العربية ) 

Ø Translation (from Arabic to Urdu):

·       Book “Makaarimi Akhlaaq” ( مكارم الأخلاق) of Shaikh Mohammad Saalih Al Uthaiman (R.A)

·       Article “namaazi Eid k Ahkaam” (أحكام صلاة العيد) written Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al-Mushaiqeh

·      Articles (7 in no.) written by Shaikh Abdullah bin Maaiz (R.A) viz :

1.    آداب النية

2.   آداب عقيدة التوحيد الخالصة

3.   أدب مع الله

4.   آداب نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

5.    آداب الشرعية مع الوالدين

6.   أدب المسلم تجاه المخدرات

7.   أدب المسلم تجاه التدخين

Technical Skills:

•       MS Office

•       In page Urdu

•       Power Point

Languages Known:

•       Arabic

•       English

•       Kashmiri

•       Urdu