
Vakwangali is tribe that live in Ukwangali land found in Kavango region and it speaks a language called Rukwangali.Vakwangali tribe originated from Angola at a place called Makuzu gaMuntenda located 90km west of Katwitwi.The Vakwangali people are branch of the Handa people who resided near the Vanyemba vaMasaka and Vankumbi in Angola.Their first Queen was Mate, because mate and her family were the first to settle at Makuzu.Mate was a daughter of a Handa tribesman and that is why vakwangali tribe dance like Handas.Later Muntenda was crowned as the new King after Mate got old and this was passed from generation to generation while they were still in Angola.Vakwangali people moved to namibia only when Mpepo was crowned as their King and they settled at a place called Rurova,Nkure-Nkuru.Currently the vakwangali people are serving their 20th King called by the name Sitentu Mpasi, who is currently living at Nkure-Nkuru.About 70yrs earlyer while the vakwangali people were still living in Angola at Makuzu gaMuntenda,the Kavango River was not considered as a boundary between two different countries,but it was considered as a highway or a means for communication between two sides.People use to move freely from one side to the other since there was no boundary.The Kavango River was made a boundary only when the Europeans came to settle in Namibia and Angola.The Germans who colonized Namibians did not want to mix with the Portuguese who took over Angola and that is why the boundary was formed.These people have got their own medicine and tradition Doctors which some people refer to as (Witch Doctors)when it comes to sickness.The traditional Doctors are valued very much by the vakwangali tribe because they believe that they are the solution to witchcraft.This is my short story regarding the Vakwangali tribe.



