FestivaLink.net is a website offering live music recordings via MP3, FLAC, and Compact Disc.

Mission Statement

FestivaLink.net's mission is to capture "festival moments" and make them widely available while the memories of the show are fresh in one's mind.

The website aims to keep memorable music alive by releasing recordings from the archives of music festivals, clubs, and radio shows, offering recordings you'll find nowhere else.

About FestivaLink.net recordings

FestivaLink.net recordings are not simple board tapes. The site works hand in hand with an all-pro recording team, capturing every note in high-resolution audio. Then, the recordings are carefully mixed and mastered, and offered in three popular formats: protection-free and speedy MP3s and CD-quality FLAC downloads compatible with your iPod or other MP3 player, and the still-popular and convenient CD, sent to you by mail.

Explore FestivaLink.net

Vistors may browse the entire catalog, where all shows are listed alphabetically by artist.

Visitors may also browse by collections; a collection groups all shows from a festival or a venue together.

The site offers short clips of songs form every show, for visitors to sample.

When a customer is ready to download a show or purchase a CD, they'll be asked to login or sign up.

New visitors to FestivaLink.net will find helpful information about ordering and downloading in the FAQ file.

About the FestivaLink.net team

FestivaLink.net employees are festival fans who love to recall those special "festival moments." They're also committed audio professionals who work every day to help artists make great recordings. Combining these two passions, and connecting music lovers and touring artists in an exciting way, is their goal.

The Management Team

  • Ann Blonston, Founder and General Manager
  • Debbie Merino, Finance and Royalties
  • Paul Humphrey, Licensing and Webmaster

The Audio Team

  • David Glasser
  • James Tuttle
  • Jason McDaniel
  • Charlie Pilzer
  • John Klondike Koehler

This audio crew is supported by live recording crews worked with around the country.

Photographers add a visual dimension to your virtual festival visit. The photographers whose work appears on the site generously share their talents to support the music they love. Their websites - where you can see more of their work - are credited with the collections they work on.