The Feminist Peace Network is dedicated to building an enduring peace, which must include ending violence towards women and children. FPN is dedicated to the urgent need of providing shelter, food, education, and a safe environment for women and children in all parts of the world, as well as creating economic conditions to ensure these human rights in the future. A strong bias towards matriarchal thinking is assumed.

FPN supports the implementation of CEDAW and UNSC 1325 and is a strong advocate for the participation of women in the process of conflict resolution. We fully condemn the use of military and economic force as detrimental to the creative formation of a just and sustainable world.

Since its inception in 2001, FPN has been actively involved in promoting International Women’s Day.

FPN also distributes Atrocities alerts for the purpose of sharing information pertaining to the global pandemic of violence against women in as wide a circle as possible.




Category:Violence against women