Just so you know my bias, I am a libertarian socialist. I have more or less equal sympathy with syndicalism, mutualism, collectivism and communism in anarchist forms. I of course support non-violent revolution as legally required in my country of citizenship, whatever that means. I also support democratic-minded reforms to increase freedom, comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, whatever form that may take. I vote, but not for Democrats, unless an open-primary system has reduced the field to Democrats and authoritarian Republicans; and never for war criminals, in any case. I abhor capitalism and despise those who have sought to sully the good name of anarchism with it by intentionally missing the entire point of freedom, legitimizing the theft of the commons to justify their ultimate authority over the muscles and tissues of the long-dispossessed. They draw, legitimize and normalize contracts which they would resent if conditions were reversed; but they are so in love with their own image that they cannot fathom being the survivors of privilege rather than its enthusiastic worshipers. However, I recognize that a Wikipedia editor's role is to catalog existing opinions, not institutionalize hir own.

When I'm not working on maximizing freedom, I spend the off-time purchasing, packaging and shipping health supplies for my boss.