Synopsis: 'Blackout' copyrite 2011, is a 2012 Caldecott Honor children's book written and illustrated by John Rocco which was inspired by the Northeast blackout of 2003. Best known for his work on illustrating covers for the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, Rocco writes and illustrates books for both children and older readers gaining reputable awards for his work. The illustrations are the main aspect of the book since Rocco kept true to actual representations of buildings in Brooklyn. Rocco also interviewed people that experienced the blackout firsthand to bring his story to life.

Plot Summary: Blackout starts with a typical New York City family all separated and electronically divided with their own distractions. A boy wants to play a board game with his family, and then then the lights go out!Taking place during the month of August,the unforgiving heat chases the boy and his family up to the roof of their building where they discover more than just a blackout. The stars above them and neighbors from nearby buildings all emerge on the roofs as everyone begins to talk, and laugh with each other as a neighborhood should. As the family ventures out to the streets, children are cooling off at open fire hydrants, neighborhood delis are giving out free ice creams that are melting in the August heat. Pizza shops continue to make pizzas in their gas stoves for the city workers who are working through the night to restore power. At the end of the story, the family realizes what is truly important: enjoying the time spent together as a family, even if it's something as simple as playing a board game.