Rumah Tungku, Tanjung Udol

Rumah Tungku, Tanjung Udol is a longhouse in Sarawak, Malaysia, commonly known as Rumah Tungku currently located in 2.0121344985081997, 111.84587896566582 from google map

Rumah Tungku was started from 20/11/1992. The number of visitor and viewer on google map for this longhouse has exceeded 500+. The primary activities done by the people in Rumah Tungku was farming, sprays crop with pesticide, oil palm plantation, fishing and many more regarding an agriculture activity. The only source of income was mainly come from the primary sector which is an agriculture sector. Rumah Tungku was located in a middle income where there was still an economic development going on.

Go to this latitude and longitude in Google Map 2.012155488868009, 111.84543721652379
Rumah Tungku, Tanjung Udol

This longhouse with the population of 74 people contribute a lot on maintaining their own culture, activities and event a source of oil palm. During Hari Gawai which is the only festival for Ibanese people there that has a lot of people coming to visit, a lot of people begin to discover this place and location since its available in google map from 29 September 2021.

Go to this latitude and longitude in Google Map 2.012155488868009, 111.84543721652379
Oil Palm Plantation

Since a lot of people who live in this longhouse has started a job and follow their partner after marriage, the population is decreasing rapidly. There was a term called "Nguai" which mean one of the marriage partner will decide which one of them willing to leave their parent and follow their partner.

Go to this latitude and longitude in Google Map 2.012155488868009, 111.84543721652379
During Gawai Festival

The construction of Telecomunication Tower begin a month before the pandemic. Until now, it still unfinished but the tower only. People in the longhouse start to complain about the inavailability of internet connection will somehow make it so hard to do any work that required an internet connection.

Go to this latitude and longitude in Google Map 2.012155488868009, 111.84543721652379
A River