In the recent development and globalization, it has been debated the role of organizational culture to reach a quite organizational effectiveness. Organizational culture can be defined as the way of controlling and organizing employees in organizations to create a balance between both staff's needs and companies' goals to be more productive and convenient work's environment. There are different points of view about the impacts and value of organizational culture under the competitive business environment. It can be believed that, the organizational culture has both advantages and disadvantages during the last two decades. Considering the industrialization, human resources' management and performance's estimation since the companies have become international and superior organizations, it would now seem that, organizational culture has positive effects on organizational effectiveness. However, before deciding whether organizational culture positively or negatively effects on organizational effectiveness, the opposing points of view will be examined by showing the positive effects of the organizational culture on employees' performance and on organizations' outcomes followed by showing the negative effects of organizational culture.

First of all, the positive effects of the organizational culture. The organizational culture has the potential to improve employees' performance. It creates a better relationship between workers and their organizations. Workers' satisfaction can be promoted by improving the exchange relationship, which can be defined as "the relationship between employees and their organizations" (Richard et al 2009, p 818). Also McFarlane Shore and Tetrick described such relationship as employees-organizational linkage (1994, p91). According to Cameron's and Freeman's survey about employees' and students' satisfaction during organizational culture of universities, the staff's gratification was higher in the universities which have accurate and clear group culture, which is type of the organizational culture, in the dealing and treating in their business environment (1991, p56). As a result of the above example, the organizational culture has played an effective role to satisfy the employees and according to my experience, employees satisfaction is the main require which makes employees more effective, creative and productive in their organization. However, Cameron and Freeman did not mention the names and the numbers of the universities and they just focused in one kind of organizational culture which was a group culture.

Besides, Pfeffer and Viega discussed the effects of organizational culture on human resources and they found that, the clear perspective of the organizational culture gave advantages for employees, such as sharing information by keep in contact, working in team, careful practice and managing themselves, to be more successful workers (1999, p39). Also, they suggested that, the quality of organizational culture based on effective organizational structure, which can improve the effectiveness of the organizations (1999, p45). The above evidence shows that, the employees in the organizations, which have a clear organizational culture, gained benefits in their work environment. These benefits, if they are managed correctly, therefore lead to improve the employees’ skills and give them confidence in their organizations so the workers' performance will be improved and the employees will be productive, creative and contented. In addition, the organizational structure played a significant function in the quality of the organizational culture. Furthermore, it is argued that, having effective culture motivates employees and "makes them comfortable in dealing with unfamiliar situations and in expressing their opinions" and the organizations can be successful by such employees (Belassi et al 2007, p19). As a result of the above evidence, the employees can be more creative, efficient and productive in their organizations when their organizations have valuable organizational culture because effectual organizational culture assists employees to participate in decision making, to satisfy in their jobs and to have an accouchement and desire to lead their organizations to success and productivity. In conclusion, the clear and accurate organizational culture leads to employees' satisfaction in their work environment. Also, the employees' skills are improved by recognizing the role of organizational culture in their organizations. When the employees are satisfied and their skills are improved, they become more effective, productive, creative and successful in their organizations. Thus, the organizational effectiveness is achieved. 

In addition, the organizational culture can lead to improve organizations' outcomes. It assists organizations to survive in the competitive market's environment by distinguishing the customers' requirements. It is argued that, “a greater internal cultural position … should lead to a greater market effectiveness…" and the reason of that is associated with ability to cover consumers' needs (Leisen et al 2002, p206). As a result of the above evidence, applying the effective organizational culture plays a significant role in responding the customers' desires. Covering the consumers' needs provides the organizations to be more successful, productive and effective in the market's environments. In addition, According to Peter's and Waterman's survey, which was about the excellence of the companies' performance, they found that, the secret of being successful organizations is the productivity and profitability. So in order to be more productive and profitable, the organizations have to manage their organizational culture positively which lead to their outcomes will be renowned (1982, cited in Belassi et al 2007, p14). The above evidence shows that, the companies' performance is improved by applying the organizational culture and managing it effectively. When the companies or organizations manage and control their culture, their results will be more valuable in the business environment. It can be believed that, the effectiveness of the organizations depends on the quality of the managers as they have a right in decision making and control the direction of the organizations. Furthermore, the surveys about the effects of work's environment on the commercial success and customers' pleasure showed that, 63.2% of managers agreed that, the quality of the organizational culture results in the achievement and the productivity in the business environment, while 34.7% disagreed with such statement according to there are other effects besides the organizational culture which lead organizations to be successful and productive, and also 2.1% agreed the role of the organizational culture can be clear in management rather than in productivity (Henard & Szymanski, 2001, pp 370-371). The above evidence shows that, every manager has agreed that, the organizational culture has a role in being successful organizations. However, the managers have different opinions about how important this role. As can be seen, the high percentage of the managers has agreed that, the organizational culture had a particular effect in being productive and effective organizations. Besides, it has been said that, as a result of the appropriate organizational culture in Toyota’s departments, Toyota has been called “reputation for excellence” as it has covered all the customers’ needs and also the consumers’ satisfaction was achieved in dealing with it (Toyota). As can be seen, Toyota, which is one of the successful companies in cars section, has depended on its effective organizational culture in order to gain the customers’ admiration and trust in its products and services. As known that, when the customers are pleased from dealing and treating with the companies, these companies will be the customers’ destination. Therefore, these companies will be more productive and their outcomes will be recognized. In conclusion, the appropriate and effective organizational culture leads to covering the customers' requirements. Also, the outcomes of the organizations will be acceptable and recognizable when the organizations manage their organizational culture effectively and positively. When the consumers' needs are covered and the organizations' results are recognized, the consumers will satisfy and admire to deal with organizations. Thus, the organizational effectiveness is accomplished.

On the other hand, the negative effects of the organizational culture on the organizational effectiveness. The organizational culture can lead to ignorance the importance of other success' elements. According to Quinn, focusing in the organizational culture's role in the organizations results in unbalancing in improvement other features which have an effective role, as well as the organizational culture's role, in leading organizations to success. Then, these elements will 'become "blind spots" for the organizations' (1988 cited in Gregory et al 2009, p675). As a result of the above evidence, an exaggerating in enhancing the role of the organizational can impact negatively in the other success's features because the head office of the organizations will focus in improving the organizational culture and leave the other elements without development. Therefore, those elements, which will be ignored, become obstructions and expenses on the organizations' productivity. In addition, the organizational culture can create misunderstanding of the priorities. Although Cameron's and Freeman's in their survey found that, the staff's gratification was higher in the universities which have accurate and clear group culture, which is type of the organizational culture, in the dealing and treating in their business environments (1991, p56), it is claimed that, the employees become interested in the role of the organizational culture in term of obtaining promotions and satisfying in their organizations instead of achieving the organizations' objectives and challenging the complex works (Hackman & Oldham,1980; Oldham & Cummings, 1996, cited in Joo & Lim, 2009, p50). The above evidences show that, as mentioned before the organizational culture plays a particular role in comforting employees. However, this role has negatively affected the organizational effectiveness because the employees are not interested in leading their organizations to success as much as their desires to gain personal advantages such as promotions and rewards. In addition, the challenges in the job will not be solved and the performance will not be creative and effective. To conclude, there are other elements lead organizations to success besides the organizational culture. However, concentrating in the organizational culture's role results negatively in developing the other elements' role. When the other elements' roles are not improved, the organizations do not become productive and effective. Besides, the employees become selfish as they are looking for getting personal benefits from the role of the organizational culture. When the employees exploit the organizational culture's role in gaining individual advantages, the organizations do not become productive and creative. Thus, the organizational effectiveness is not achieved and accomplished.

In conclusion, the organizational culture assists employees to be more satisfied, confident and creative in their organizations. Also, the organizational culture provides organizations to be more productive and profitable as well as acceptable and trustable from consumers. However, focusing in the role of the organizational culture causes ignorance of the other features' role. Also, the employees do not distinguish the priorities which have to be realized in the organizations. To summarize, it can be seen that, there are different reasons and opinions estimated whither the organizational culture have positive or negative effects on the organizational effectiveness. Considering achieving the employees' and consumers' satisfactions and improving the organizations' outcomes, it would be seem that, the organizational culture positively effects on the organizational effectiveness. Nevertheless, the organizational culture has to be managed positively and has to be based on the accurate organizational structure to be effective, creative, productive and beneficial organizations in the competitive business environment. In addition, the managers should balance the improvement between the organizational culture and the other success's elements in the organizations.

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