Telemark University College graduation ring


The TUC ring is available to graduates from one of the three master programs at the Faculty of Technology. Graduates from the Process Technology, Energy and Environmental Technology or System and Control Engineering classes may buy the ring, it is not available to anyone else. The ring has a new design as of 2013 since the old rings casting form has been unavailable and the ring had fallen into oblivion. The new design reflects the history of the Technical education in Porsgrunn, which has it roots back to 1884.

  • The atom symbolizes affiliation to Telemark Technical College.
  • The three electrons in the orbitals surrounding the nucleus symbolize the three Graduate Engineering programs at Telemark University College in Porsgrunn.
  • The square that surrounds the atom symbolizes that Engineers have the knowledge to manipulate different chemical compounds to a desired level.
  • The sircle symbolizes continuity and eternity since it will always be a necessity to manipulate chemical compounds.
  • The latin quote “Voluptas nobilissima gaudium intellegendi est” is by one of the pioneers in engineering Leonardo Da Vinci meaning: ”The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding”.
  • M.Sc stands for Master of Science, which is the degree of graduation.
  • The leafs of Myrica gale symbolizes affiliation to Porsgunn Municipality, they are recognizable in the city´s Coat of Arms and a special permission to use them in the design has been granted by the Municipality.