So first to introduce myself, I'm Evan.

Deciding to start editing wikipedia is somewhat of an unusual development for me. As people go, I don't have a very large internet presence and probably leave behind a much smaller digital footprint than most of my friends and family. Not owing to any deep or principled reason, but just as things go, I own very few online accounts and don't really post much in forums or message boards. But I suppose if I am to pick some corner of the internet to adopt more of an active role instead of remaining a mere recipient/beneficiary as I have thus far, Wikipedia is probably the best place for me to start. I am a big fan of anything that has made progress in advancing human knowledge or combating ignorance when and where it arises. And the global scope and scale on which wikipedia promotes that goal has always held my respect and appreciation. In terms of my particular motivation to edit wikipedia, I guess I'd point to the satisfaction I imagine comes with being a part of that process, along with an awareness of the responsibility to contribute (where I can) to any endeavor where I have benefited so greatly from the contributions by others. And also it kinda just seems like it'll be fun.

Areas where I tend to have a bit of familiarity and interest include philosophy, linguistics, Middle Eastern history (esp. development of the Hebrew language), and contemporary affairs in US basketball, both professional and collegiate. Also, I have recently developed a curiosity and desire to learn more about positive psychology, and have been reading relevant wikipedia pages on the topic, so I may end up doing some editorial work there, as seems appropriate.