Gender roles in the society

According to Blackstone (2003), Gender roles are based on the different expectations that individuals, groups, and societies have of individuals based on their sex and based on each society’s values and beliefs about gender.

Moreover, gender roles refer to the open expression of attitudes that indicate to others the degree of your maleness or femaleness. Examples:

1. Women cook and clean.

2. Men take care of the family.

How gender roles has impacted male and female in both the past and modern days

  • Breadwinners

Men in families were expected to be the main provider, by coming up with an income and buy household things.

  • Women’s responsibility

In families, women had the responsibility to take care of the children and raise them from birth till they are grown. They also had the responsibility to do household chores such as: ironing, cleaning and washing.

  • Appearance

In the past, gender roles were also represented in a form of clothing and physical appearance. Men were expected to wear pants and have shorts hair and also wear a belt which was a must in some traditions. Women were supposed to wear dresses or skirts and also have long natural hair. In the modern days women have the opportunity to wear pants due to gender balance.

  • Career wise

In the past, men where the only one who were expected to work, meaning they had to find a job to support and take care of their family. They were considered to choose careers that fit their physical strength e.g working in mines. on the other hand, women were expected to choose careers that require less strength such as: teaching and nursing. in modern days all people can choose careers of their choice.

Gender roles in the past have varied significantly across different cultures, time periods, and social structures. Here is a general overview of how gender roles have been understood and enforced in various historical contexts:

1. Hunter-Gatherer Societies: In many early hunter-gatherer societies, gender roles were often relatively flexible. Men typically engaged in hunting activities, while women gathered plants and took care of children. However, these roles could vary based on environmental conditions and specific group dynamics.

2. Agricultural Societies: The advent of agriculture brought about more settled communities, leading to the development of more distinct gender roles. Men were usually responsible for plowing fields, tending to livestock, and providing protection, while women took on tasks related to cooking, childcare, and household maintenance.

3. Ancient Civilizations: In many ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome, patriarchal systems emerged. Men held more power and were typically responsible for political, economic, and religious leadership, while women’s roles were often confined to the domestic sphere.

Gender roles can still be influenced by cultural, social, and economic factors, many societies are moving towards greater recognition of the rights and abilities of individuals, regardless of their gender. Here are some key aspects of gender roles in the present:

1. Changing Workforce Participation: In many parts of the world, more women are participating in the workforce, pursuing careers, and holding leadership positions in various industries. Men are increasingly involved in fields traditionally dominated by women.

2. Education: Access to education for all genders has improved significantly. More women are enrolling in universities and pursuing advanced degrees in various fields. Efforts are being made to encourage women to pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields where they have been historically underrepresented.

3. Legal and Political Representation: Many countries have made progress in terms of gender representation in politics and government. Laws and policies are being enacted to promote gender equality and protect against discrimination and violence based on gender.

4. Gender Identity and Expression: Society is becoming more accepting and understanding of diverse gender identities beyond the traditional binary of male and female. Non-binary, genderqueer, and transgender individuals are gaining greater recognition and rights.

In conclusion, gender roles has brought up many ways of identifying the roles and responsibility of male and female depending on age. these roles tend to change as time goes on meaning that role that are represented by them now in the present may not e the same for the future years to come. In brief, roles of women and men will continue evolving as time passes.

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