Hello! Tere! I am Estonianoak and I am just a teenager from Estonia who loves to learn about completely random and useless stuff.
One of my favorite photos that I have taken :)

On Wikipedia I usually fix grammar errors and find cites where needed, although I may fix some other issues as well. Even though my English definitely isn't perfect, I usually try to fix errors if I know it is an error. If my fix for an error is wrong or is unneeded, definitely let me know!

What do I like to do?


I have 4 main things that I like to do (all as hobbies) - photography, cross-country skiing, cycling/biking and everything related with geography - and I will definitely continue doing them in the future. All of them have played an important part of life and may be important in my future as well.

Fun facts about me


I am mainly Estonian, but I also have Russian and Seto roots. I may have Chinese (due to a very international village in the Far East) and Latvian (due to places my ancestors have lived in) roots as well.