Erick Kimani Jr is also known as Erick Elipokea Kimani.

He was born in 16 August 1994 in a small village in Arusha Region. His parents are living together in this very small village,

Erick Kimani Jr is well known as Professor Kimani Jr in social networks like Tweeter, Instagram and facebook.

Is the young Tanzanian who have a big influence, most of people likes Kimani Jr because he is very social and very kind.

Kimani Jr likes Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr as his roll model in living. Kimani Jr did school in many Universities includ Mzumbe University and Moshi Cooperative University as Accountant. This young Tanzanian Got extraordinary mind because since he started University he never score below Upper Second GPA.

Professor Kimani Jr as he well known have a lot of friends from inside the contnet and outside. This young Tanzanian with very IQ he likes to debate about Social issues than everything. Erick Kimani is now volunteering as a Community worker in one of His founded Foundation named Green World2020.