My Hobby.



Hi my name is Erica Duong. I am a first year student at Guelph majoring in biological sciences. I speak Vietnamese, I'm short, fun-loving and laid-back. I like to live with no regrets and do the things that I love with the people that I love.

Personal Life


I was born in North York, Ontario, which is a pretty populated place [1]. I recently took big interest in fitness and am going to start going to the gym regularly, take fitness classes and maybe even try kick boxing! I wanna be ready to ask everyone, "which way to the beach? *Flex flex flex*"

Furthermore, after being able to finally get TV into my system after neglecting it because of school, I've taken a big interest in making cool and interesting cupcakes. I guess you could call me a mediocre baker but self-learning to bake new recipes and decorating techniques is a love/hate relationship!

Education and Academic Career


Before going to Guelph, I attended MDVSS for four years in Mississauga for high school. I was admitted into the University of Guelph as a biological science major just last fall and plan to finish my four years of undergraduate studies here. After undergraduate studies I plan on going to graduate school to become a dentist.



My favorites things to do are:

  • Draw
  • Blogging
  • Listening to music
  • baking
  • exercising

My most recent hobby has been exercising more regularly and consistantly. Since exams ended I've been doing lots of:

  1. Cardio [2], mainly running
  2. Toning exercises
  3. Weight training and resistance


  1. ^ "North York, ON". Retrieved 2011-05-17.
  2. ^ "". Shri Chimnoy Marathon Team. Retrieved 2011-05-17.