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Sydrak is a medieval work of popular science, a kind of early encyclopedia, using dialogue form. The work was known throughout most of Europe, but probably comes from France around1243. On Danish known a single manuscript from about 1480.

The work's name comes from the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament, where King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon after the conquest of Jerusalem lets pick out some of the Israelites, "young men without blemish, beautiful, with skill in all wisdom, with knowledge and understanding and the ability to serve in the king's palace "(Daniel 1.4). Among disser Daniel and three of his friends, and one of those friends is Sydrak. In the authorized Danish translation of the Bible from 1992 reproduced the name Shadrach, while Christian 3.s Bible translation of 1550 had mold Sidrach. Daniel and the three friends is further described in the Book of Daniel as full of insight and wisdom, and therefore the unknown author of Sydrak chosen to let the work stand out as a copy of an original work written by Shadrach to give it additional authority.

The work became very popular and most princely libraries had a copy in the late 1300s. In 1486 came the first printed edition (in French).

Which dialogue is built on a series of questions from an unlearned person, King Bochtus answered by a teacher, Shadrach, possessing all wisdom. Initially recounted Bochtus' repentance through Shadrach, a report full of miracles. Among the topics addressed include the relationship between rich and poor, where all stændersamfundets four estates seen as equally necessary. The target group has probably been primarily citizens and peasants, while another work of the same type Lucidarius, had lower clergy as parish priests and monks as a target group.


  • Gunnar Knudsen: Sydrak: after the manuscript New Royal. Collection 236 4to, Universitetsjubilæets Danish Society: Thiele 1921-1932
    • Gunnar Knudsen: Sydrak : efter Haandskriftet Ny kgl. Samling 236 4to, Universitetsjubilæets danske Samfund:Thiele 1921-1932
  • Alex Wittendorff: "People's University in the year 1500. The manuscript" Sydrak "and its history" in Claus Bjorn and Benedicte Fonnesbech-Wulff (ed.): Mark and human. Studies in the history of Denmark from 1500 to 1800. Dedicated to Karl-Erik Frandsen, Skipper Head: Ebeltoft 2000 ISBN 87-89224-58-2, pp. 113-121
    • Alex Wittendorff: "Folkeuniversitetet anno 1500. Håndskriftet "Sydrak" og dets historie" i Claus Bjørn og Benedicte Fonnesbech-Wulff (red.): Mark og menneske. Studier i Danmarks historie 1500-1800. Tilegnet Karl-Erik Frandsen, Skippershoved:Ebeltoft 2000 ISBN 87-89224-58-2, s. 113-121