User:Elrohir92 is a young beginner at He says that Wikipedia is his Favorite site, and that is why he joined. He enjoys movies and uses Wikipedia to figure information out about those movies.

Not much to say about him, but he chose the name Elrohir for it was a very minor character from The Lord of the Rings, his favorite movie and book. He thought the name sounded cool so he picked it. He picked 92 because that was the age of his grandmother when she died. She died on August 9, 2006. A day before his 12 birthday. "Never liked that present" he says, he always tries to forget her, but sometimes she comes back.

User:Elrohir92 lives in Maryland and is and 8th grader at Lakelands Park Middle School (a very new middle school, built in 2005).

User:Elrohir92 is new to Wikipedia. He doesn't know much about editing pages or anything similar to that. He might need help, so any other user able to provide some simple information for a beginner please do so.

--Elrohir Half-Elven or Elrohir92 14:22, 18 November 2007 (UTC)