As I have already stated, I am biased pro-palestinian. That doesn't mean I am uncritical to this side, but my sympathies tend to what I regard as the weaker side in the conflict. My stand may vary depending on with whom I am discussing - if I see, as in wikipedia, one side nearly unrepresented, it's natural for me to take this side, but you could also find me as a vehement supporter of Israel's right of existence in a discussion with Arabs.

Beside, I am an adherent of a thing called "Realpolitik", meaning that political solutions should be oriented towards the feasible and not always insist on "what is right and just". However, I can be very adamant if someone tries to tell me that killing civilians "is the right thing to do" because there is "no other solution". This is a distinction I miss in many articles on the conflict which often tend to mix these things.

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