**For Ngai** 2-3 sentences for Chapter 1.

The Lead Section for "Religion in Argentina" is only focused on Roman Catholicism and the statistics that follow in Argentina. Here is the outline that I plan to make in the Lead Section in order to make the reader of this wiki page more informed for if they are just briefly overviewing religion in Argentina.

  1. Keep the stats and part about Roman Catholicism in Argentina, but add in the important part that there is other Christian denominations in Argentina
  2. Lead into statistics of Islam and Judaism
  3. Church and State and address the ongoing shift in Argentina with religion

I plan on adding some more information to the Wikipedia page "Religion in Argentina". Here are some of the content gaps that I will seek to fill with information/correct in this article:

  1. Judaism. Focusing on the sects of Judaism in Argentina and the capitol, Buenos Aires.
  2. The influence on culture with the Protestants gaining momentum against the Catholics.
  3. Hinduism in Argentina