User:El devil/La Guadalupe Castillo de Teayo(Veracruz)

La Guadalupe Castillo de Teayo(Veracruz) is a town located in the municipality of Castillo de Teayo in the northern part of the state of Veracruz. It is one of the most important towns in the municipality according to it's size and population.



It was named La Guadalupe after the Virgin Guadalupe who appeared in the Tepeyac Hill(Cerro de Tepeyac)to an indian named Juan Diego.



This town is inserted into the Huasteca culture. So in this place there have been found several ancient pieces made of clay and ceramics, in addition to an unfinished pyramid built by this same culture located in a small hill in the center of the congregation.

Significantly, at a distance of 20 minutes by road is located the municipality seat(Castillo de Teayo), which poses a pyramid built by the Huasteca culture, it is an archaeological site consisting of the aforementioned pyramid and a museum place where they have shielded the wonderful pieces found in the vicinity and within the archeological zone. The Guadalupe is situated at an altitude of 140m/nm (meters above sea level) and has 1544 inhabitants according to data from INEGI 2008.



The weather is warm-regular with an average temperature of 22°C(72°F), its average annual rainfall of 1 thousand 552.1 mm. Some of the flora that exist in the community are timber trees, among which are found in greater proportion cedar, which develops a fauna composed of populations of rabbits, armadillos, raccoons, weasels, foxes and squirrels. His wealth is represented by its vegetation, excel hardwoods such as cedar mainly pine, among others, which are used in making traditional furniture in the area.



The community has Educational institutions ranging from Kindergarten to High School

  1. Jardin de niños(Kindergarten) "Eva Zamano de Lopez Mateos"
  2. Primaria (Elementary) "Arquitecto José Luis Cuevas"
  3. Telesecundaria (Middle School) "Alfonso Arroyo Flores"
  4. Telebachillerato (High School) "La Guadalupe"



The population is divided among the following religions: Catholic, Adventist, Jehovah's Witnesses, Pentecostal and a small percentage of the population has no religion. The following shows the number of temples break down by religion:

Religion No. of Temples
Catholic 1
Adventist 2
Jehovah's Witnesses 1
Pentecostal 1



Economy in the community is based primarily in Agriculture, Forestry, beekeeping, in addition to the manufacturing of furniture. Regarding the services sector to meet the needs of the population, the community sector includes trade (general grocery stores, stationery stores, markets or flea markets), public transportation and public services such as: health and education.



The community has a clinic located in the center (Centro de Salud La Guadalupe). First aid services, Birth control and short term diseases are treated in the clinic. Also, some individuals from the community offer their medical experience to patients as well.



Since 2000 the community began to have a major economic boost for the benefit of its self, such as the conclusion of the project for the supply of piped potable water to the community, the development of the central park as wells as the construction of the kiosk within the same, street paving, among these the Main street.

Construction of a roundabout, widening of the mains, construction of a playground, equipment and renovation of schools, among others. Currently launched the project of paving the highway section Castillo de Teayo-La Guadalupe that will connect the community and the municipality, and some streets in the same locality.

Below is a list of public services the community possess:

  • Drinking Water
  • Drainage (Unfinished)
  • Electricity
  • Public Lighting
  • Paving
  • Private Telephone Service
  • Recreation Centers: currently the community has a central park and a playground.
  • Early childhood education, primary and secondary
  • Public Transportation
  • Public Health Services



The town has many customs that are celebrated throughout the year. In the week before Ash Wednesday, the community celebrates El Carnaval(The carnival) people from the community dress up with costumes and masks and go throughout the town dancing at the rhythm of violin music. Kids prepare before the event painting used eggshells and introduces confetti inside, during the carnival people all ages brake the eggs on the other person's head leaving them with a layer of confetti on their top head.

Another very important customs is the celebration of the Virgin Guadalupe appearance anniversary every 12th of December. The Catholic church organizes a long mass the night before the 12th day where people can go pray and also taste the delicious food the organizers have prepared. Also, all the town carry a ceramic made statue of the virgin throughout the streets of the community.



[[[La Guadalupe Castillo de Teayo]]]