Cabinet of the Republic of Southern Argnoria

Portfolio Minister Term

List of Prime Ministers of the United Federal Islands of Southern Argnoria

Portrait No. Name Term Start Term End Political Party Deputy Prime Minister Government
1 Charles Gilbert 16 February 1527 7 January 1546 Republican Party William Taft Gilbert governed for his entire term as Prime Minister a majority in the house. Under Taft they governed a dominant majority until a vote of no confidence was held and 12 MP's were removed from there seats. These were replaced mostly by the National Conservative Party weakening the government significantly.
2 William Taft 9 January 1546 20 August 1560 Michael Wood
3 Matthew Harding 2 October 1560 9 September 1578 National Conservative Party Jennifer Lauren Harding went into government with the Peoples Union Party though this coalition collapsed in 1582 and a full majority was formed. The government did not regain power in the 1591 general election.
4 Jeremy S. Hann 10 September 1578 13 July 1582
5 John Maddigan 20 July 1582 22 May 1591 Vacant
6 Eva James 26 June 1591 16 April 1594 Social Labour Party Brandon Cohen The SLP in 1591 only held 61 seats 23 seats of a majority. They entered into a coalition with the Workers Action Party and the deputy leader was Brandon Cohen. After James's death in 1594 he seized power though this was a highly unpopular decision. He was removed 5 months later and replaced by a SLP leader. Under Lawrence the government gained a majority in 1596. Lawrence retired in 1600 aged 84 and appointed Hudson as his successor. The party became hugely unpopular under his leadership as he was a support of Cohen and his leadership led to the collapse of the government.
7 Brandon Cohen 17 April 1594 3 September 1594 Workers Action Party Benedict Hudson
8 Ignatius Lawrence 10 September 1594 8 October 1600 Social Labour Party Vacant
9 Benedict Hudson 10 October 1600 2 January 1601
10 Darren Kennedy 13 February 1601 8 August 1603 Ecological Protectionist Party Farmer and Agriculturalists at this time dominated the population with 59% being farmers. The EPP were an alternative who promised economic growth and farmers wouldn't be left behind. However this was not the case. Expensive renewable energy plants were built across the country. The government quit its grant scheme for multinational corporations which stagnated the economies. Soon the economy was worse before the EPP came into power. This led to the rise of Liberal Islanders Party.