
Dear Wikipedia-Team,

my contributions under "Draft:Profit (axiomatic economics)" contained the formal refutation of macroeconomic profit theory. I understand that this was an original contribution and in this form does not comply with the requirements of an encyclopedia.

It is pretty obvious, however, that if the foundational concept of economics ― profit ― is provably false the whole analytical superstructure is affected. In the case of economics, this means microeconomics and macroeconomics. As a consequence, a Paradigm Shift is required. More specifically, economics has to move from false Walrasian microfoundations and false Keynesian macrofoundations to true macrofoundations.

This is a relevant issue for economics as a whole and therefore deserves a hint in Wikipedia. A successful Paradigm Shift sends the existing mainstream to the Flat-Earth-Cemetery. This affects most entries that deal with economics because profit is the foundational concept.

As a minimum, Wikipedia owes its users a warning that some/many of the existing entries relating to economics may be fundamentally flawed.

So, the idea is to resume the essence of my prior contributions in a short section titled Paradigm Shift and to insert it into Economics behind the section 7.2 Criticisms of assumptions as section 7.3.

As a one-shot contributor I am not familiar with all the rules, regulations, procedures, and therefore would appreciate some direct practical help. I am aware that all information is there but I do not have the time to plow through the voluminous technicalities.

My proposal: I write the first draft of section 7.3 and submit it here for your correction/editing/finalizing. Please tell me, whether this is a feasible procedure.

EKHandtke (talk) 13:05, 14 January 2021 (UTC)