User:Dturtle/International Refugee Trust

The International Refugee Trust (IRT) is an independent non-governmental organisation based in London, UK, supporting projects that assist refugees, internally displaced persons and returnees.

(Source: [1])



The International Refugee Trust was established in 197?. In the past, the charity facilitated its work through branch offices in the countries where it works. In recent years, it has carried out projects through local partner organisations within those countries, such as the Vilpatti Village Project in India. (Source: [2])

The charity supports programmes that give deprived children the essentials they need to live their lives. It concentrates on providing the following:

  • shelter
  • primary health care
  • education



ICT has identified several hundred children in need of immediate assistance in Kenya, Uganda,Tanzania, Sri Lanka, India and Cambodia. The charity has numerous projects in these countries, covering primary healthcare, educational and vocational programmes, rehabilitation centers for children displaced by conflict or disease such as HIV/AIDS, mobile support services for street children, income generation schemes for families and communities, and many other aspects of support.


