
Dr. Zeeshan Qaiser Research Professor

Dr. Qaiser is PhD in Genetic Engineering from university of Southern Hampshire Manchester, NH. is an outstanding scientist who has the skills to modify genes or hereditary makeup of microorganisms, plants, and animals; specializes in the field of genetics and conducts research in a broad range of biological sciences related fields; has developed techniques with numerous important applications in the field s of medicine, agriculture, and animal husbandry; has developed strains of bacteria that improve the effects of antibiotics and other useful pharmaceutical products; has also conducted clinical tests to help diagnose hereditary diseases and to correct infertility in humans; has excellent knowledge in agricultural technology to develop new crops that are more nutritious, disease-resistant, and able to flourish with less fertilizer.

Dr. Qaiser is a research professor at the Deakin's research institutes and Strategic Research and Innovation Centers (SRICs) .The SRICs is Executive Board urged the Member States to make full use of WHO collaborating centers (WHOCCs) as sources of information, services and expertise, and to strengthen their own national capacity for training, research and collaboration for health development. At the same time, it encouraged centers to develop working relations with other centers and national institutions recognized by WHO, in particular by setting up or joining collaborative networks with WHO's support. Possessing a wealth of experience in different fields focused on genetic engineering, this respected academician and scientist has been working in numerous projects as ” Research Consultant and Senior Research Advisor in Advisory Research Board” of World Health Organization from(early 2016 to 2018 and 2018 to end of 2021). He possesses global working experience in over 35 countries and territories on behalf of World Health Organization and completed successfully. Dr. Qaiser accomplished remarkable achievements in genetic engineering, such his research in following. The Process of using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology to alter the genetic makeup of an organism. Traditionally, humans have manipulated genomes indirectly by controlling breeding and selecting offspring with desired traits. Recombinant DNA technology introduces foreign genes into microbes, plant, and animals in order to express new characteristics. The technique has been used in breeding crops and livestock to increase yields in food production, as well as to manufacture pharmaceuticals and industrial chemicals.

Fighting problems such as cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and several other diseases. Another deadly disease now being treated with genetic engineering is the "bubble boy" disease (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency). Human genetic modification is the direct manipulation of the genome using molecular engineering techniques. Recently developed techniques for modifying genes are often called “gene editing.” Genetic modification can be applied in two very different ways: somatic genetic modification and germline genetic modification. Environmental factors can cause DNA to be temporarily modified, without changing the sequence, to alter how it is read. Epigenetics, meaning “attached to the DNA”, is the study of such modifications.  Their analysis supported the hypothesis that improved DNA repair leads to longer life span. Overall, they concluded that while the complexity of responses to DNA damage remains only partly understood, the idea that DNA damage accumulation with age is the primary cause of aging remains an intuitive and powerful one.

Your Diet Affects Your Grandchildren DNA, Scientists Say. More and more evidence suggests that what you eat may have a genetic impact on your kids and grand kids. Diet, be it poor or healthy, can so alter the nature of one's DNA that those changes can be passed on to the progeny.

A Steady Diet of Quantum Nutrients. “When we have negative emotions such as anger, anxiety and dislike or hate, or think negative thoughts such as 'I hate my job,' 'I don't like so and so' or 'Who does he think he is? ... Changing DNA through Intention. ... Heart Intelligence, the Unifying Factor.

Dr. Qaiser supervise and design some training program of United Nation and World health Organization collaborated projects of during affiliation as a Research Advisor in Research advisory board on World Health Organization.

World Health Organization Workshop on disabilities for health Professional , W.H.O the Specialized Module on Climate Change & Human Health, Virtual Course Gene & Cell Therapy, The Human Journey: A Genetic Odyssey, Research for Societal good through social responsibilities, Mosaicism II: Reporting Chromosomes, Clinical impact and genetic counselling, United Nation Genetic diseases & develop strategy of awareness, W.H.O conduct Global health- Cluster learning modules, United nation sustainable development Goals, W.H.O conduct Covid-19 operational planning Guidelines, GSA Covid-19 Keynote. He also has worked on a dedicated scientist in collaborate projects of the NIH human microbiome and National human Genome research institute projects.

Dr. Qaiser is devoted his entire life to the scientific researches in career specially with W.H.O . Due to the confidential policy of international projects, he gave up the right to publish many research findings. Even though, Dr. Qaiser made outstanding achievements with her research team and published dozens of high quality research articles in multiple academic journals. Meanwhile, he edited several monographs including Advances in Molecular Biology of Medical Bacteria and Theory and Methods of Genetic Engineering. His endorsable work in Pandemic Influenza Vaccines, National development and Vaccination plan.

Today, he continues his efforts to promote knowledge on the significance of science and technology, compliance and the subjects ( genetic resources) of bio-diplomacy activities with governing member of following association. 

Genetics Society of America. Center for Genetic and Society. American Society of GENE & CELL THERAPY U.A.E Genetic Disease Association. International Center for Genetics Engineering & Biotechnology. The RNA Society.

Dr. Qaiser again part of World Health Organization as a Member of International Agency for Research on Cancer. He is great geneticist and made outstanding contributions to the development of science and technology during his last period with World Health Organization of academic researches and cultivation of young talents, especially in the fields of genetic engineering of vaccines and polypeptide drugs and studies on molecular tumors. “Straight waist to be a ladder, bending over to be a bridge for others is the true reflection of Dr. Qaiser life. His down-to-earth research style, collaborating research personality and selfless research spirit are worthy of appreciation and learning by scientific researchers.