Born December 5, 1964 in Manhattan, NY as Ronald williams, Jr. Baptised Daniel after his paternal grandfather, Daniel's early schooling was spread out across Coram, Mount Vernon and the Bronx. Spending his summers on the West coast of the United States, Daniel Pinks enjoyed the diversity of both coasts.

Daniel Pinks started DJing in 1978 in the Bronx, NY. Along with other pioneers of the day, the street music scene was hot and alive with what is now called, hip-hop and rap music, brandishing the moniker, Ronski of the Gett Off Crew. After college and years of considerable growth, he became DJ MellowD in 1986. He modelled from 1986 - 1992 where he adopted his mother's maiden name, Pinks. Due to modest success in modelling, the name crossed over to his music career and he has been known by Pinks ever since.

In 1991, he formed his own music production company, MellowD Productions which he instantly branded with the phrase, “Serious music for serious people.” He started a tape of the month club with about 50 subscribers, individuals and businesses. That was not enough. He went into "mood" branding with restaurants and other establishments. In a way, he pioneered the concept of store music branding. He started with a few restaurants in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City. His clients included Chelsea Gym, Cola’s, Blue Moon Mexican Café and Stingray on Eighth Avenue to name a few. He created for them what he called “Mood Music.” He felt restaurants have an identity associated with the atmosphere as well as the food. Daniel says, “When you walk into a business, you already know what you expect to get from it. Be it good food, great fashion or service, I felt that the music should be just as much a part of the identity as any of those other things.” He may not believe he is a pioneer but he paved the way for The Banana Republics and Starbucks of the world to sell branded music products as he did at the Chelsea Gym from 1990-1995. He included their logo on what he called “work out” tapes releasing a new product every few months or so. The gym played his music as part of their atmosphere and sold his tapes as their product with moderate success. He then branched out and created the same with a Club in the Dominican Republic called Cheers Studio which he released monthly products. His reputation gained him access to the Israeli music scene with a series of Techno tapes marketed to the youth. He moved to Miami in 1995 leaving his tape of the month business and numerous restaurant clients behind for the beautiful sunshine of South Florida. He took his passion and ever-adventurous spirit to Miami. Under his new moniker of DraghonDJ [1] and Beasby Productions, he begun playing at the annual Winter Music Conference, which happens in Miami Beach each year. He plans to excite the world through egoFreQs Productions.

In 2002, now a Veteran DJ, Daniel Pinks decided that he was tired of the same old music scene. Together with Alex Wright, audiophile extraordinaire and technology guru, egoFreQs Production [2] is born. Pronounced "ego freaks", egoFreQs follows a similar path as Masters At Work and C+C Music Factory. Daniel and Alex knew it was time for the music scene at large to change. Daniel with his keen ear and music sense along with Alex’s technological know how and musical prowess, form a creative musical duo. Their intent is to form an entertainment empire in Miami, FL under the auspices of music production and remixing through egoFreQs Productions. EgoFreQs Productions melds new talent, innovative and stylish production and the latest technology to the set the world music scene on its side. Alex says, “Our intent is to be daring and innovative. We want to introduce the world to something different.” “I want the world to enjoy good music,” adds Daniel. “I have a passion that burns stronger than any flame and I want to share it. With Alex’s Help, I know it is possible.” This new dynamic duo has more than 50 years of musical talent between them.

The two met in Trinidad in 1991 while enjoying Carnival. It was instant fire amidst the calypso and soca music. It was musical kismet. The two have been friends ever since. They decided to team their talents and do something wonderful.

They have remixed artists such as Terence Trent D'Arby, Sugababes, Nelly Furtado and others.

myspace [3]