Dr. Syed Mohammed Anwer, Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan is an Islamabad based corporate lawyer. He is an active member of civil society and has written a few books on human rights and women’s emancipation. He sporadically writes articles on social issues including socio-linguistics. Calligraphy and painting are his hobbies. The latest work of calligraphy done by him is the first of its kind in which two scripts of a same language i.e Hindi-Urdu are used in unison with each other. Hindi and Urdu is one language when spoken but written in two different scripts hence it is the only major language of the world with this characteristic. The purpose of this calligraphic work is to highlight this aspect of our language which is one of the major common denominators between India and Pakistan. Half of the calligraphic work is done in such a way that a picture of the meaning of the word which is written is formed. For example word surahi (ewer) is written in such a way both in Hindi ( Devanagri) and Urdu ( Nastalique ) that a clear picture of surahi is formed. It is hard to comprehend but seeing is believing . This has never done by anyone in the history of calligraphic art by anyone before. This calligraphic art form is named as Samrup Rachna both are Sanskrit words, samrup means congruence or similar and rachna means creative work or design the name explains the form of art clearly. The calligraphic work in which the particulate picture of that word which is written in Hindi and Urdu is not formed but the meanings of the word are communicated through the designs or the color scheme of the picture is named as mail rachna , both are Sanskrit word. Mail means juxtaposition or conjunction and rachna means creative work or design. In total 80 pictures are made by Dr. Anwer covering whole range of Urdu and Hindi alphabets. Starting from Alif for Allah to Ye for yoga and then all the aspirated sounds and letters and vowels of the two scripts are covered completely. It will help in understanding the Hindi script of Pakistan which is nothing but another script of our language. This work will also help in realizing and highlighting the similarities that exist between India and Pakistan which ultimately help in the promotion of peace and tolerance. Samrup rachna calligraphy is categorized as an art for peace and collaboration especially for the South Asian region of India and Pakistan. This innovative art form is vastly covered by national media of Pakistan and also international media like VoA.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iiWNZesWwg This art will also help the people in understanding the two scripts of the same language Hindi-Urdu which is a synchronic digraphia.i.e a language with two different scripts or writing systems.