Dr. Malik M. Hafeez LLB, LLM, PhD in Law (Aberdeen, UK)

All human beings are judged by their deeds. The most demonstrative deeds of individuals are their experience and achievements in life. The amount of every person’s achievements indicates the level of his integrity. However, a person is judged not only by his retrospective achievements but also by his future aspirations. Therefore, Dr. Malik seems to be the person of a tremendous integrity as for goals he plans to achieve is truly large. Dr. Malik is a practical and research-oriented professional lawyer who is willing to work hard and contribute knowledge by research in law and legal profession through intellectual intelligence. Punctuality with a responsible and professional attitude as well as commitment to share the workload in a team environment and complete tasks to the highest standards are aims of his professional life. He is also friendly and a good listener with the ability to get on well with others.

i. Education History

• Doctor of Philosophy (PhD in Law): (2008-11) University of Aberdeen, UK (Main area of PhD research is Corporate law particularly British Model of Corporate Governance)

• Master of Law (LLM): (2004-06) University of the Punjab (Pakistan) (Two years General LLM with specialization of Arbitration, Company Law and International Economic Law)

• Bachelor of Laws: (1999-02) Islamia University of Bahawalpur. (Pakistan)

• Bachelor of Arts: (1996-98) Islamia University of Bahawalpur.(Pakistan)

ii. Start of Legal Profession

Dr. Hafeez, who is currently practicing as an Advocate of High Courts of Pakistan, established the Hafeez Law Associates (HLA) at Bahawalpur. He did LLB from the Islamia University of Bahawalpur having inclination towards legal studies, he did LLM from the University of Punjab and joined the Nawaz Law Associates under the kind direction and supervision of Mr. Justice (R) Mian Allah Nawaz to start the legal practice since 2003 relating to contentious and non-contentious issues. Mr. Hafeez was also appreciated by the courts of law and clients as well for excellent preparation of cases and arguments that he made on merits.

iii. PhD in Law from UK

In 2008, Dr. Hafeez secured admission in the University of Aberdeen UK and travelled abroad for higher studies and got opportunity to see modern western world as it was portrayed in movies and books. During his PhD studies, he got an opportunity to visit the International Court of Justice, International Arbitration Tribunal and Hague Conference in Neither-land. The most appealing opportunity for him seemed education in the UK. However, the completion of his research dissertation in British Model of Corporate Governance was very challenging task for him and that he completed before time. Achieving one of his strongest dreams to complete his PhD in Corporate Law from University of Aberdeen UK under the supervision of Professor John Paterson and Professor Roderick Paisley is one of his greatest achievements.

iv. Teaching Experience in Law

Dr. Hafeez has experience to teach the LLB and LLM classes in the Islamia University Bahawalpur and the Superior University Law College, Lahore. He taught the key subjects of the programme such as Banking Law, Corporate Law (Company Law, Security and Exchange Commission Act, Code on Corporate Governance), Civil Procedure Code, Contract Act, Negotiable Instrument Act, Sales and Goods Act, Administrative Law, Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution (Arbitration Act, and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitration Awards). It always happens that when you achieve your goal you quickly get another one to follow. Since he completed PhD in Corporate Law and my dream came true he had another dream and tried my best to gain it. It was an establishment of law firm that he established in the name of “Hafeez Law Associates” and started his legal practice. All of his achievements described above were very important in his life. However, he is rather young hence, he knows that the greatest achievements of his life are before him. Therefore, the present moment my major goal is to study and work for stable system of corporate governance for his own country and he is confident that gaining it would be one of the greatest achievements in his entire life.