Dr Kamal Soi is doctorate in the Transportation Management & In Transit Losses with special studies in Road Safety & Accident Prevention & has been working in the field of Road Safety & Accident prevention from last 18 years . He has additional qualifications in Road Safety & Accident Prevention from Hasselt University Belgium & SWOV Institute & Delft University Nederland. He is been awarded Certificate of Excellence by Delft University & is recognized as 10 Top Road Safety Scientist in the World . He is on board of various National / International Organizations like Institute of Transport Engineers , Chartered Institute of Highways & Transportation U K , Australian College of Road safety, International Road Federation etc. 

.He remained Vice –Chairman (Technical) of Punjab State Road Safety Council for short duration and Punjab Police State Apex Committee on Road Safety & Traffic Management, and Chairman of Traffic Management Services. He is also the State Coordinator of first ever Central Government project of Cashless Treatment to Road Accident victims in Punjab. He is also the president of Raahat-The Safe Community Foundation- an NGO on Road Safety in India. He is also attached to many International Organisations on Road Safety like European Road Safety Council, Institute of Transportation Engineers, US, International Road Federation, Geneva, Australian College of Road Safety, Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation , UK. He has a wide knowledge of traffic management and road safety including crash reduction studies, safety audits, safer routes to school, provisions for vulnerable road users, crash database analysis and analysis of transport assessments. He has worked very closely with the Police and Road Controlling Authorities developing local targets and strategies to reduce the number of road crashes. He has developed expertise in Intelligent Transport Systems ( ITS) and he is an advisor to many national and International organisations for implementing ITS. He has developed a national plan for Collision-free Roads. He has been awarded Godfrey Philips Bravery Award, Hindustan Times True Hero Award, and Punjab State Bravery award, Punjab State Award ( twice) and many other National/ International awards for saving scores of lives on roads. He is a regular contributor to daily newspapers and magazines on the subject of road safety and has participated in more than 150 programs on Road Safety & accident prevention on Doordarshan, and various Private and Local TV Channels. Dr Soi is serving /has served on various Committees on Road Safety & accident prevention both at the state , national & international levels. Among others, he is a member on the following specialized Committees: Solatium Fund Committee for hit and run cases, The Central Traffic Advisory Committee , The National Road Safety Council , Advisory Groups , National Highways Authority of India, PCRA Transport Advisory Committee, Guest Columnist on various Newspapers in India. Dr Soi has Chaired & is being a Speaker at Various national & international conferences.